från att fälla sin dom över hela världen. I utbyte mot att ha besegrat Ammit, befriades Harrow och hans lärjungar, Spector och Grant från Khonshus träldom. Den tredje altern, Jake Lockley , valdes dock till Khonshus Avatar för att fungera som Moon Knight.
Tidigt liv
Barndom i Chicago
Marc Spector föddes i ett judiskt hushåll till Wendy och Elias Spector den 9 mars 1987 i Chicago , Illinois . Han skulle senare ha en yngre bror Randall . Under uppväxten upprätthöll Marc och Randall en vänskaplig relation och maskerade och spelade ofta upp scener ur äventyrsfilmen Tomb Buster , där Marc vanligtvis spelade rollen som filmens huvudperson, upptäcktsresanden Dr. Steven Grant .
Randall Spectors död
- ”Du skulle hålla honom säker! Du lät honom drunkna. Allt detta är ditt fel!”
- ― Wendy Spector till Marc Spector

Spector tillbringar kvalitetstid med sin familj
En dag, under en familjegrillning, hånar Marc Randalls teckning av en guldfisk för att han bara har en fena. Medan hans far byggde ett skjul , uppmanade Marc sin bror att utforska en närliggande grotta före middagen, som de besökte för att spela upp fler scener av Tomb Buster . De fick tillstånd av sin mamma , men hon påminde honom om att ta hand om sin bror.

Spector och hans bror utforskar vidare
När de gick till grottan fortsatte de att agera i karaktären som Steven Grantoch Rosser från Tomb Buster . Innan man gick in i grottan började vädret regna; Randall uttryckte tvekan att gå in i grottan på grund av att deras mamma varnade dem att inte gå när det regnade, men Marc avfärdar honom. Tyvärr, när de gick in i grottan, tilltog regnet bara och eskalerade ytterligare till ett kraftigt skyfall. Grottan började snabbt översvämmas av regnvatten, vilket fångade barnen; medan Marc kunde fly, drunknade Randall hjälplöst, utan att Marc kunde rädda honom. [3]
Misshandlad av sin mamma

Spector blir rasande utskälld av sin mamma
- ”Vi ska fixa det här.”
”Du ska fixa det här. Jag menar… Varför har du inte det?” - ― Elias Spector och Marc Spector
Under Randall Spectors shiva gick Spector ner för att ansluta sig till de andra sörjande, men när den sörjande Wendy Spector såg honom, skyllde hon omedelbart på honom för att ha dödat sin bror. När hon rasande skrek åt honom inför deras andra familj, sprang den upprörda Spector tillbaka upp på övervåningen. Detta inledde ett ansträngt förhållande mellan Spector och hans mor, eftersom hon till en början blev tillbakadragen från Marc, anklagade honom för Randalls död och senare lurade sig själv att tro att Marc planerade det.

Spector med sin pappa på hans 10-årsdag
På Spectors tioårsdag gav Elias Spector honom en tårta och satte sig ner med honom. Spector frågade om hans mamma skulle komma, men hans pappa sa till honom att hon inte mådde bra, men lovade att hon skulle bli bättre, och gjorde en ursäkt för att motivera hennes vägran att fira. Spector blåste ut ljusen på sin tårta, saknade ett, och satt helt enkelt i sorg när hans far blåste ut det återstående ljuset. Allt eftersom åren gick eskalerade relationen mellan Marc och hans mamma till missbruk i hemmet, både verbalt och fysiskt, vilket bara förvärrades när hon tog till drogmissbruk.

Spector trakasseras igen av sin mamma
På Spectors tolfte födelsedag satt en berusad Wendy bredvid Spector och hävdade att han alltid hatat sin bror och att hon borde ha vetat att han skulle döda honom. Spector lämnade sedan bordet och sprang upp till sitt rum, rädd. Han låste sin sovrumsdörr för att hålla sin mamma utanför, men hon följde efter honom och började slå på dörren och krävde att han skulle öppna den i ett berusad anfall. Detta uppviglade hans utveckling av dissociativ identitetsstörning , vilket resulterade i en alter vid namn Steven Grant, efter den självbetitlade upptäcktsresanden från Tomb Buster , som han först utvecklade för att distrahera sig själv från sin berusade mamma.
Grant började sedan fronta och sa till sig själv att rummet var en enda röra och att han borde städa upp det åt sin mamma. Så småningom knuffade Wendy upp dörren och sa till ”Spector” att han skulle straffas, och tog ett närliggande bälte för att piska honom. Spector började sedan fronta igen, så att Grant inte skulle vara den som blev straffad och skulle ha en chans att leva ett normalt liv och ta det fysiska övergreppet från sin mamma. Eftersom Spector frontade för att skydda Grant från sin mammas övergrepp, övertygade detta Grant om att deras mamma var lite kärleksfull, tvärtemot verkligheten att hon misshandlade och alltid hatade honom.

Spector bestämmer sig för att lämna sin farifred
När Spector växte till en tonåring tog han omedelbart chansen och lämnade hemmet . På kvartersgatan utanför deras hem bad hans farhonom att stanna och sa att hans mamma skulle få hjälp och att han inte kunde förlora en son till. Spector uttryckte sin ilska mot sin mamma och sa att Elias borde ha hjälpt henne för flera år sedan, och förklarade att det var därför han var tvungen att lämna. [3]
Att bli Moon Knight
Göra ett avtal med Khonshu

Spector gör sig redo för sin död
- ”Svär du att skydda nattens resenärer och hämnas dem som skulle göra dem illa?”
”Ja.” - ― Khonshu och Marc Spector
När Spector lämnade sitt missbrukande familjehem, behövde han inte sina alters fram och kunde därför hålla sin oordning under kontroll. Spector gick med i United States Marine Corps . Men Spector gick in i ett fuguetillstånd vilket fick honom att gå AWOL, vilket ledde till att han skrevs ut. Med begränsade möjligheter bestämde sig Spector för att bli legosoldat och arbetade under sin tidigare befälhavare, Raul Bushman .

Spector gör sitt avtal med Khonshu
Under sin tid som legosoldat arbetade Spector tillsammans med Bushman och Abdallah El-Faouly på ett uppdrag vid en utgrävningsplats i Egypten ; Bushman blev dock girig och avrättade alla arkeologer med dem. Spector försökte rädda dem, men han kunde inte, och han sköts av Bushman. [6]Efter att ha lämnats för död av Bushman, släpade Spector sig till ett närliggande tempel , liggande vid foten av en staty.

Spector återföds som Moon Knight
Spector önskade att smärtan skulle ta slut, förberedde sig för att skjuta sig själv, men han stoppades av Khonshu , den egyptiska månguden . När han pratade med Spector sa Khonshu att det skulle vara slöseri att kasta bort sitt liv på det sättet och erbjöd Spector att vara hans avatar, för att straffa de som hade gjort ont, och påstod att han var fascinerad av Spectors mentala tillstånd. Spector såg sig själv som inget annat än en mördare och gick med på Khonshus villkor och fick krafterna och förmågorna att förvandlas till en kostym , eftersom han blev vigilanten känd som Moon Knight. [3]
Som Moon Knight lät Khonshu Spector gå efter hemska människor som mord, rovdjur, bland annat, vilket fick Spector att samla på sig ett enormt antal kroppar, vilket gick på hans samvete.
Gifter sig med Layla El-Faouly
Med dåligt samvete för vad som hände på grävplatsen träffade Spector Abdallah El-Faoulys dotter, Layla El-Faouly , och försökte berätta för henne vad som hände den kvällen hennes far dödades, men kunde aldrig förmå sig att göra det. . [6] Så småningom gifte Spector sig med El-Faouly, och de gick på många äventyr för att hitta egyptiska reliker, såsom Scarab of Ammit . Spector informerade också El-Faouly om att han inte längre pratade med sina föräldrar, särskilt sin mamma, även om han inte berättade varför. [4] 2018 överlevde Spector Snap , och i december samma år utfärdades ett nytt pass. Spector insåg senare att Khonshuvar intresserad av att välja El-Faouly som sin nya Avatar, och bestämde sig för att plötsligt lämna henne och lämna osignerade skilsmässopapper till henne. [4]
Mors begravning

Spector misslyckas med att närvara vid sin mammas begravning
- ”Heja, mamma . Hej, du är okej? Ja, um… Skulle du tro det? Jag är helt vilsen igen. Jag vet inte var jag är. Vilken absolut mupp! Nej, jag vet att jag gjorde det igen. , men jag vet inte.”
- — Steven Grant [src]
2025 kontaktade Spectors pappa honom och berättade att hans mammahade gått bort och bad honom komma till hennes shiva i Chicago . Spector reste till Chicago, men stod utanför sitt hus och drack, oförmögen att ta sig in i sitt gamla hus. Hans far såg Spector och gjorde en gest åt honom att komma in, men Spector skakade på huvudet innan han tog en klunk av sin kolv och gick därifrån och mumlade att han inte skulle ge sin mamma tillfredsställelsen att få honom att sörja henne.

Spector bryter ihop gråtande i full ångest
Trots detta fortsatte Spector att få ett sammanbrott över sin mors bortgång, samtidigt som han förbannade henne för att ha misshandlat honom när han var så ung, och knäböjde på gatan, slog sin yarmulke till marken och vaggade den medan han grät. Spectors känslor som återkallade hans trauma fick Grant att börja fronta. Grant kom på att han undrade varför han var på en slumpmässig gata och tog upp sin telefon, och trodde att han hade ringt sin mamma och berättat för ”henne” att han var vilse och att bilarna körde på ”fel sida” av vägen. [3]
Lever som Steven Grant
- ”Jag jobbar i en presentbutik. Um… Jag heter Steven Grant.”
- – Steven Grant till Arthur Harrow [src]
Grant flyttade så småningom till vad han trodde var hans hemstad London , England och fick anställning som presentbutiksarbetare på National Art Gallery . Han flyttade in i en lägenhet med en älsklingsfisk med enfenad fisk som heter Gus , och under sin tid på museet blev Grant ofta misshandlad av sin chef Donna Kraft och försummad av säkerhetsvakten JB . Grant ville bli reseledare, men Kraft ignorerade dessa faktorer. Han gjorde också bekantskap med gatuartisten Bertrand Crawley och hade samtal med honom då och då.
Utan att Grant visste om det, skulle Spector ta över kroppen när han somnade för att operera som Moon Knight på natten innan han återvände till lägenheten, vilket skulle göra att Grant kände sig trött när han vaknade. Dessutom skulle Grant ibland återta kontrollen över kroppen innan Spector kunde återvända hem, vilket fick Grant att tro att han led av sömngång. Dessa märkliga händelser ledde till att Grant fäste sin fotled i en trästolpe när han gick och lade sig för att hindra honom från att gå, samt att han satte en sandcirkel runt sin säng och tejpade på sin dörr så att han på morgonen kunde kontrollera om han hade vänster. [1]Spector var dock medveten om Grants agerande och tog bort fotledsbältet och tejpen på dörren, samt undvek sanden, för att fortsätta utföra uppgifter för Khonshu, även om han skulle återsätta tejpen och begränsningen för att hindra Grant från att upptäcka sanningen. [4]
Fredligt liv
Steven Grants nya dag

Grant vaknar för dagen
- ”Godmorgon, Gus, mitt lilla enfenade under.”
- ―Steven Grant till Gus [src]
En morgon vaknade Steven Grant ur sängen i sin lägenhet . Grant tittade sig omkring först och vände över sina lakan och såg sin fotled fastspänd mot sängstolpen. Grant släppte sin begränsning och reste sig ur sängen och tittade på sandringen runt sin säng för att se om någon rörde sig genom den. Grant såg inga nya fotspår och gick genom ringen till ytterdörren och kollade om någon störde tejpen på dörrkarmens springa.

Grant matar Gus , hans husdjursfisk
Grant tog av tejpen och kastade den i en närliggande papperskorg innan han matade sin guldfisk Gus . Grant försökte ringa sin mamma Wendy Spector , även om han fick röstbrevlådan. I sitt efterföljande meddelande nämnde Grant att han tog emot hennes vykort, placerade dem på Gus tank medan han skämtsamt hävdade att Gus var upprörd över att han inte kunde gå någonstans speciellt. Grant fräschade upp sig och nämnde för sin mamma att han fortfarande vaknade och kände att han blev påkörd av en buss innan han lämnade sin lägenhet.
Grant lämnade hyreshuset och stoppade sitt röstmeddelande för att kort kommentera en gammal man som fortfarande säljer sina borstar och kvastar framför Grants dörröppning. Grant avslutade sin röstbrevlåda när han gick nerför gatan och såg sin buss passera, vilket tvingade Grant att jaga. På bussen väcktes Grant av en man vars ryggsäck han vilade sitt huvud på innan han obekvämt såg en kvinna läsa en tidning, till hennes förtret. [1]
Jobbar på Konstmuseet

Grant pratar med en tjej om modellen
Grant kom till sitt jobb på National Art Gallery och såg en flicka som stack sitt kasserade tuggummi i ett hål i en modell av den stora pyramiden i Giza. Flickan svarade att det inte fanns något inuti pyramiden, vilket fick Grant att rikta henne mot en sarkofag, men inte innan hon tog bort tandköttet från modellen medan hon inte tittade.

Grant pratar om sarkofagen
Grant förklarade att en metallkrok skulle suga ut alla organ hos en person inuti en sarkofag förutom deras hjärta, och sa att den lämnades där för dom i underjorden för att se om den var värdig att passera genom vassfältet . Flickan frågade om det var tråkigt för Grant att ha blivit avvisad själv, även om Grant sa att det inte skulle vara vettigt eftersom han inte var död. Grant började sakta fundera på att han verkligen var död, eftersom hans chef Donna Kraft fick hans uppmärksamhet för att hjälpa henne att bära några lådor till en disk.

Grant klargör sitt namn för Donna Kraft
Grant blev tillrättavisad av Donna för att han försökte bli reseledare igen och kallade honom ”Stevie”, även om Grant förtydligade hans namn när han satte på sin namnbricka. Donna sa åt Grant att göra sitt jobb, att sälja presentbutiksprodukter till barn, innan hon gick därifrån och lämnade Grant ensam för att ställa upp en visning av föremål.

Grant påminns om sin dejt med Dylan
Medan han arbetade blev Grant kontaktad av Dylan , som frågade om Grant fortfarande var tillgänglig för deras steakhouse-dejt imorgon kväll klockan sju. Grant, förvirrad, frågade om hon bad ut honom, till Dylans nöje, och berättade för honom att hon skulle träffa honom senare. Donna, imponerad av hans uppenbara dejt, frågade vad en vegan som Grant skulle göra på ett steakhouse, även om Grant sa till henne att han skulle äta sallad och bröd, till stor irritation när hon gick.

Grant påpekar ett fel i en annons
Grant började senare hjälpa Donna med inventering i det bakre rummet när han påminde sig om ett fel i annonserna utanför museet, vilket fick Donna att fråga om det var därför han återigen var sen innan han berättade för Grant att han var på inventeringstjänst för veckan för att du kommit för sent så ofta.

Grant blandar sig ut ur rummet
Grant försökte förklara att banderollen saknade några medlemmar av Ennead , vilket fick Donna att säga att han inte skulle bli en reseguide om det var vad han försökte göra. Kort förtvivlad av detta fortsatte Grant med att säga att Ennead hade nio gudar snarare än sju, även om Donna blev trött på honom och beordrade honom att bara låta henne vara. Grant lämnade rummet och fumlade med en affisch på väg ut.

Grant lämnar jobbet för natten
I slutet av sitt pass gick Grant mot utgången av museet och bad säkerhetsvakten JB godnatt. JB svarade Grant och kallade honom ”Scotty”, till Grants förvirring, som rättade honom genom att säga att hans namn var Steven med ett ”V” i det. Steven lämnade sedan museet för natten. [1]
Samband med Bertrand Crawley

Grant anförtror sig med Bertrand Crawley
Grant, medan han åt ett mellanmål, träffade Bertrand Crawley , en gatuartist som poserade som en gyllene staty på en bänk. Grant anförtrodde Crawley om sina ständiga sömnproblem och nämnde att han aktivt skulle försöka hålla sig vaken på natten för att kringgå dem innan han gav honom ett paket praliner i hatten. Grant skulle ta upp sin kommande dejt med Dylan som han inte mindes att han satte upp, när ett par turister bad Grant att ta en bild av dem med Crawley.

Grant säger farväl till Bertrand Crawley
Grant följde artigt att ta deras bild och påminde dem om att ge Crawley tips efter att ha tagit den. Grant återupptog sitt samtal när turisterna gick och sa att om han skulle ha en flickvän någon gång, skulle han sluta behöva bära fotledsskydd i sin säng, och noterade att det var en röd flagga i ett förhållande. Grant avslutade sitt mellanmål och tackade Crawley innan han sa farväl och lade en spets i hatten när han gick därifrån. [1]
Att hålla sig vaken

Grant läsböcker om Ennead
Grant återvände till sin lägenhet och gjorde sig redo för sängen. Grant fyllde först i fotspåret han gjorde i sin sandring runt sin säng, innan han satte en tejpbit på sin dörröppning och låste dörren ordentligt. Grant gick sedan och studerade olika böcker om ämnen relaterade till Ennead , inklusive klyftan mellan gud och människa.

Grant försöker hålla sig vaken
Efteråt gick han in i sängen, där han lade sin högra fotled i en fasthållning låst till sängstolpen. Grant slog på ljudprogrammet Staying Awake och växlade ofta mellan att pilla planlöst med en Rubiks kub när han låg i sängen. I sängen somnade Grant vid något tillfälle. [1]
Jakt på Scarab

Grant waking up with his dislocated jaw
Without any warning, Grant suddenly awoke amidst a meadow in the Alpsof Austria with a broken jaw. Grant, caught aback by the situation, attempted to fix his jaw, which mysteriously healed nearly instantaneously. Getting up from the ground, Grant looked around in confusion and panic, spotting a nearby village when a voice demanded he go back to sleep, retorting Grant wasn’t supposed to be here.

Grant senses a presence right behind him
Grant höll med rösten och frågade var han var, även om rösten sa åt Grant att överlämna sin kropp till Marc, till Grants förvirring. Rösten beklagade att ”idioten” fortfarande hade kontroll, vilket fick Grant att känna runt sin jacka tills han avslöjade en mystisk skarabé i fickan. Grant tittade på skaraben och kände en närvaro bakom sig och när han vände sig om fann han sig själv stirra på ett slott direkt bakom sig.

Grant bevittnar att vakterna siktar på honom
Grant såg en vakt som tittade ner på honom från ett fönster högre upp. Grant vinkade obekvämt mot vakten, som gav tillbaka gesten. En annan vakt kikade sedan ut genom fönstret med ett gevär och förmanade den första vakten för hans tveksamhet samtidigt som han skrämde Grant. De två vakterna öppnade eld mot Grant och fick rösten att säga åt Grant att springa.

Grant försöker gömma sig i en österrikisk by
Grant sprang genom ängen och jagades av ytterligare vakter på marken när han sedan gick in i den närliggande byn. Grant undvek med nöd och näppe ytterligare ett par vakter i en gränd, innan han fann sig själv gå in i en folkmassa som samlades på ett närliggande torg. Grant drog snabbt huvan på sin tröja över huvudet när han gick förbi en annan vakt och undvek med nöd att bli upptäckt.

Grant går in på byns torg
Vid torget bevittnade Grant Arthur Harrows ankomst när folkmassan skildes åt för att han skulle gå igenom. Harrow stod längst fram i folkmassan vid basen av en staty, medan Grant tittade på när han bad folk att komma upp för att bli dömda av Ammits personal och den tatuerade skalan på hans arm. Grant observerade en ung man steg fram, som tackades av Harrow för att han frivilligt var den första, eftersom han då bedömdes vara en bra person.

Grant observerar Arthur Harrows omdöme
Flera vakter började dyka upp bakom folkmassan, vilket tvingade Grant att gå djupare in i folkmassan och närmare Harrow. En äldre kvinna klev fram härnäst för att bedöma, och Grant såg på när hon bedömdes negativt, trots att hon insisterade på att hon hade varit bra hela livet. Harrow bad om ursäkt innan hon absorberade kvinnans livskraft från hennes kropp och dödade henne omedelbart samtidigt som hon chockerade Grant eftersom hennes kropp omedelbart fördes bort av andra följare.

Grant blir utslängd inifrån folkmassorna
En vakt informerade Harrow om att någon avbröt deras utbyte och att gärningsmannen potentiellt fortfarande var i närheten. Harrow meddelade folkmassan på forntida egyptiska, som svarade genom att knäböja, även om Grant blev utstött som ett resultat av att han tvekade att följa. Harrow kände igen Grant och kallade honom en legosoldat, även om en förvirrad Grant försäkrade honom att han var Steven Grant, en presentbutik från London .

Grant försöker avstå från skaraben
Harrow bad Grant att lämna över skaraben, och även om Grant var villig att efterkomma, hindrade rösten hans försök att överlämna skaraben till Harrow. Efter flera misslyckade försök att lämna över skaraben, tvingades Grant av rösten att gå därifrån när Harrow beordrade sina anhängare att underkuva honom. Grant brottades genom folkmassan mot ett skyltfönster, där några vakter och en butiksinnehavare slet skaraben ur hans grepp. Grant fann sig plötsligt mörkna när Spector eller Lockley tog över hans kropp och dödade hans angripare runt honom. [1]
Jagade genom Alperna

Grant återtar kontrollen över döda Disciples of Ammit
Grant återfick sedan sina sinnen när han stod över sina angripares kroppar medan rösten påpekade att idioten var tillbaka. Grant insåg att han nu hade skaraben tillbaka i sin bloddränkta hand och började springa iväg när Arthur Harrow och hans anhängare närmade sig honom. Rösten skällde ut Grant att inte släppa Scarab of Ammit , som efterkom när han kapade en parkerad cupcake-budbil i närheten och skyndade ut ur byn.

Grant flyr i en cupcake van
Efter att ha rusat ut ur byn med hjälp av sin leveransbil, blev Grant överfallen av Harrows anhängare och till slut tillfälligt överväldigad. Precis när Grant slocknade tog Spector eller Lockley fullständig kontroll över hans kropp och besegrade sina angripare med sina krafter. Men så fort hans fiender besegrades tog Grant tillfälligt kontroll över kroppen eftersom han inte kunde undkomma sina fiender.

Grant håller en pistol mot sin chock
Detta tvingade Spector eller Lockley att ta kontroll över kroppen igen, med Spector eller Lockley som lyckades besegra sina fiender igen för att köra tillbaka till säkerheten. Men innan han kunde göra det, togs han återigen över av Grant, som oansvarigt kastade sitt eget vapen till sina fiender, i försök att inte orsaka något mer blodbad.

Grant överlämnar sig själv
Efter att ha hamnat i ett hörn av Harrows anhängare försökte Grant fredligt överlämna sig till dem. Men innan det kunde hända föll träd från bergen ner mot dem och så småningom attackerade de Grant. Men helt plötsligt blev Grant svart. [1]
Återvänder till Steven Grants liv

Grant vaknar och tror att han hade en dröm
Grant vaknade upp i sin lägenhet och skrattade för sig själv och trodde att han precis hade haft en mardröm och att han inte var skadad. Han reste sig sedan upp ur sängen och redo för nästa dag. Men hans förberedelser tog ett abrupt stopp när han märkte att Gus , som ursprungligen bara hade en bra fena, plötsligt hade två. När han tog fisken till en djuraffär för att fråga om anomalien, fick han höra av en irriterad kontorist att han redan hade varit där och letat efter en enfenad guldfisk för inte så länge sedan, till Grants förvirring.

Grant ringer Dylan på restaurangen
After remembering his date with Dylan, he quickly got changed into nice clothes and cleaned himself up. When he arrived at the restaurant, she didn’t show. After a waiter came to get his order, he decided to call her and found out that he had missed his date with her two days ago.

Grant has dinner alone
Dylan told him to lose her number and hung up abruptly. Grant then asked the waiter what day it was and was shocked to learn she was right that he had missed their date completely. Saddened, he stayed and ordered steak, despite being a vegan.[1]
Marc Spector’s Secret

Grant returns to his apartment
After eating, Grant returned to his apartment, and ate the chocolates that he had bought for his date. He then fed Gus and commented how he still couldn’t believe he had missed his date.

Grant discovers something hidden
Grant then found something hidden behind a plank of wood that was sticking out. There, he noticed a key and a cellphone, which sparked Grant’s curiosity as he never remembered to own those items. Hence, the suspicious Grant, opened the phone to see whose it was. Upon inspection, Grant discovered that the phone had been used to interact with a woman named Layla El-Faouly and a man named Jean-Paul Duchamp.

Grant talks to Layla El-Faouly
Eventually, Grant received a call from El-Faouly, who angrily told him that she had been contacting him for months, however, upon discovering Grant’s different accent, Grant was asked about why his accent was different. This made a confused Grant ask Layla who she thought he was, through which he discovered that Layla knew him the name of ”Marc.” Grant then heard the voice calling for him, but he did not find anyone at his apartment, although he noticed how his reflection in the mirror almost moved on its own.

Grant gets scared of Khonshu
Grant then heard the voice get louder and so he ran out of his apartment into the hallway. He ran to the elevator and watched as a beaked mummified creature came towards him and tried to open the elevator. However, Grant then saw that it was an elderly woman. He greeted her, awkwardly, and was surprised that they were back on the fifth floor when she got off. When he turned around, the creature was behind him.[1]
Found by Arthur Harrow

Grant wakes up on a bus
Grant screamed in fear only to wake up on a bus. Embarrassed that he was caught screaming in front of the passengers, he got off at the next exit, not before seeing the same creature on the sidewalk. When Grant got off, he saw that Arthur Harrow was in the bus as well and that what he had experienced wasn’t completely fake.

Grant asks J.B. to look out for suspicious people
He went to his job at the National Art Gallery and then asked his coworker, J.B. to watch out for anyone sketchy. Grant then noticed someone who was on the bus with walking into the Egyptian exhibit, leading Grant to follow the man, ignoring his boss, Donna Kraft. A few moments after Grant entered the exhibit he was approached by Harrow who was surprised that Grant actually worked there.

Grant is confronted by Arthur Harrow
Scared by Harrow’s arrival, Grant attempted to escape, only to be stopped by more Disciples of Ammit, after Grant just stood still for a moment, Harrow attempted to read Grant’s scales only to be shown that there is chaos in him. After Harrow said this, Grant left being let go by Harrow telling the disciples to stand down.[1]
Ambush on Steven Grant

Grant wanders around the museum exhibits
That night, Grant restocked the gift shop’s inventory alone in discontent. Later, the lights of the National Art Gallery turned off and Grant prepared to leave for the night, though he stopped when he heard the sound of a howling dog echo through the halls of the building. Grant wandered through the museum to try and find the dog, paying no attention to various phenomena occurring around him.

Grant realizes he’s not alone
Before long, Grant found himself in an open hallway, where the shadow of a monstrous creature on the wall could be seen closing in. Terrified, Grant hid behind a display case when Arthur Harrow got onto the museum loudspeakers, ordering him to give up the Scarab of Ammit or else he would be torn apart. Grant took off his satchel and threw it away from him as a distraction, prompting the creature to lunge out and attack it.
Grant attempted to sneak away, though he accidentally bumped into a vase on display. Grant managed to catch it before it fell, though the sound he made alerted the creature, which gave chase to Grant as he ran through the halls of the museum in terror. Grant ran into a side hall, where he threw down a shelf to distance himself from the creature, though the creature simply leaped over it.

Spector speaks to Grant from the reflection
Grant frantically used his badge to try and open a locked bathroom, and though he couldn’t open the first one in time, he managed to enter the second one adjacent to it, locking himself in it as the creature relentless tried to break down the door. Spector began to converse with Grant as his reflection in the mirror began to act independently from the rest, telling him to let him take control.

Grant begins to transform into Moon Knight
Grant at first refused, too panicked to do anything, though Spector managed to get his attention, saying that he wasn’t going to die and that he had to let Spector save them. Grant finally agreed to Spector’s request as the lights of the bathroom began to flicker and hieroglyphics flashed on the walls. Grant began to transform into Spector and summoned his suitwhen the jackal creature finally broke down the door and tackled him.

Moon Knight kills the jackal
Unfortunately for the creature, Moon Knight had successfully emerged and proceeded to ruthlessly beat the creature into submission, dragging it back into the bathroom when it attempted to flee. After pummeling the helpless creature with his fist, Moon Knight stood victorious over its body before exiting the destroyed bathroom.

Spector leaves the National Art Gallery
After beating the jackal, Spector left the bathroom and walked through the museum. He then noticed a security camera and glared at it, before leaving to go back to Grant’s apartment. When he returned, he gave the body back to Grant.[1]
Getting Let Go

Grant wakes up in a panic
The next morning, Grant woke up in his bed in a panic, alarmed having heard the fight in his dreams. He ran out of bed, only to fall on the floor having forgotten his ankle was chained to the bed. He then went to his bathroom and demanded that Spector talk to him from the mirror.

Grant is fired from the National Art Gallery
Grant then got ready and went to the National Art Gallery, finding it under criminal investigation due to the bathroom being destroyed. He went to see J.B. who showed him the security footage and Grant saw Spector looking at the camera before leaving. Grant then was called into meet with the Gallery’s director, Dornfeld, learning he was fired for what happened. He then gave over his name tag and left the Gallery.

Grant speaks with Bertrand Crawley
Grant then went to speak with Bertrand Crawley and explained his predicament to him. Afterwards, Grant gave Crawley a hug thanking him for listening and walked away.[4]
Joined by Layla El-Faouly

Grant goes to the Central London Storage
Determined to learn more about Spector, Grant went to several storage units throughout the city and was unsuccessful in finding Spector’s unit. The last one he went to was the Central London Storage and he was fortunate to have found it. The clerk led him to the unit and gave him access to it.

Grant finds the Scarab of Ammit
Inside, Grant saw a cot, a gym bag, and a mirrored wall. He looked in the bag and found Spector’s passport, another hand gun, and the Scarab of Ammit. He realized that what he experienced was real, but was still shocked.

Grant talks to Spector
He then looked at the mirrored wall and spoke with his ”reflection”, which was Spector, who introduced himself as an American mercenary and the current avatar of the Egyptian god of the Moon, Khonshu. Not believing this, Grant told Spector to leave him alone. Spector told Grant to lay down on a cot that was there and let him handle the situation, but Grant refused and snatched the bag.

Grant runs away from Khonshu
He then left the storage unit, and saw the lights in the building hauntingly coming towards him. Grant ran away terrified into another hallway only to be confronted face to face with Khonshu, who told him to hand over the bag. Grant screamed in fear and then found himself outside the building.

Grant meets Layla El-Faouly
Grant was then met by Layla El-Faouly, who told him to hop onto her scooter bike. She told him she was Spector’s wife who was unaware of Grant’s existence. Grant was surprised he was married and El-Faouly interrogated him for his accent.

Grant speaks with Layla El-Faouly
Grant led her back to his apartment, but Spector told him she shouldn’t be there. As she looked at Gus, Spector looked at Grant through the tank’s reflection. El-Faouly then showed Grant the divorce papers that he had wanted, but Grant responded that he would never do that. Confused, she continued to press on why he was using an accent and what was happening, before she found the Scarab.

Grant speaks with Bobbi Kennedy and Billy Fitzgerald
Before they could finish, they were interrupted by two Metropolitan Police Department officers Bobbi Kennedy and Billy Fitzgerald. The two barged their way inside and interrogated Grant on his identity, telling him he was a thief.[4]
Taken to Arthur Harrow

Grant is taken into Arthur Harrow’s custody
The officers took Grant into custody and drove him to an abandoned part of the city, while telling him about Spector’s actions. Once they parked, they revealed that they were Disciples of Ammit. Alarmed, Grant called for help, but was then met by Arthur Harrow, who told him to walk with him. Khonshu appeared behind him and told Grant to kill Harrow.

Grant speaks with Arthur Harrow
Grant was led by Harrow into the village consisting of his disciples. As they walked, they passed various people who Harrow talked too. Grant looked up and saw Khonshu sitting on a rooftop watching them.

Grant having dinner with Arthur Harrow
Grant was then led by Harrow to a dining area, where Harrow introduced him to Victor, who had cooked the soup. Harrow revealed that he Khonshu’s former avatar until he chose to follow Ammit instead, in the hope of preventing future harm rather than simply carrying out vengeance. He explains that he wants to use the scarab to find Ammit’s tomb and resurrect her, so she can purge humanity of evil by wiping out everyone who has or will commit evil deeds.

Grant questions Ammit’s true intentions
When Grant pressed Harrow on how that seems not right, as that would include children getting killed, Harrow threatened him with the Staff of Ammit. The disciples present walked closer in to interrogate Grant, making him feel uncomfortable. Harrow repeatedly pressed him on the location of the scarab in which he was unable to answer.

Grant getting help from Layla El-Faouly
To his surprise, Layla El-Faouly arrived and revealed she had it. El-Faouly then told Grant to summon the suit, in which he didn’t understand what she was referencing. She then told him to follow her, and Harrow summoned another Jackal to go after them. After being trapped inside an upper room, Grant was thrown out of the window by the jackal.

Grant is transformed into Mr. Knight
As he fell, Khonshu told him to summon his suit and he did, landing on the ground as Mr. Knight. In a reflection, Spector asked Grant what he was wearing. Grant then was attacked by the jackal who overpowered him and El-Faouly, who had come outside to help.

Mr. Knight readies himself to fight the jackal
As Grant was thrown against a car by the jackal, El-Faouly learned that he needed help. She tried to help, but the jackal attacked her. Grant hit the jackal with an object, but the two were both knocked to the ground. After he got up, Grant managed to punch the jackal away temporarily, exited about doing so. However, he was suddenly hit by a car. As Grant recovered and used a nearby bus for support in getting back up, Spector urged him to let him take over.

Moon Knight tricks and kills the jackal
Grant gave in and Spector became the Moon Knight. He turned around and pulled out his Crescent Darts. He got the jackal’s intention and forced it to chase him on top of rooftops. He then leaped onto another rooftop and tricked the jackal to jump on a steeple, killing it instantly.

Spector argues with Steven Grant
Spector watched it disintegrate, before learning he didn’t have the scarab, much to his frustration. He then told Grant in a reflection that he would take control for now, before angrily smashing the mirror to get Grant to stop talking.

Spector making his plans with Khonshu
Khonshu arrived and approached Spector. He threatened to claim El-Faouly as his next avatar should Spector fail to stop Harrow. Spector told him that wouldn’t happen and Khonshu promised that he would protect him. He then sent Spector to go to Egypt.[4]
Going to Egypt

Spector drinks alcohol in Cairo, Egypt
- ”Where are we going?”
”Where the hell do you think?” - ―Marc Spector and Khonshu [src]
Spector was brought to Cairo, Egypt by Khonshu so that they could find the tomb of Ammit before Harrow could. He woke up shirtless on the floor laying next to his bed and finished off a bottle of beer.

Spector looks out at the Great Pyramid of Giza
He stood up and proceeded to go to the window. He opened the blinds, and found himself staring at the Egyptian pyramids.[4]
Skirmish in Cairo

Spector chases after Disciples of Ammit
- ”You killed him? I needed to talk to that guy. About a dig site. Guess I’m gonna have to talk to you instead.”
- ―Marc Spector to Alpha [src]
Spector then went exploring Cairo and found Disciples of Ammit spying on him. He ran after them over rooftops until he caught up to them. He asked them what they were doing whether fighting or dancing, as one of them made a movement with his feet on the ground.

Spector fights the Disciples of Ammit
Spector then engaged in a hand to hand combat with them, kicking away their weapons in the process. As he fought, he caught sight of Grant in one of the men’s knives’ reflection who told him not to kill them.

Spector finds himself in a taxi
However, he then suddenly passed out. When he regained consciousness, he was inside a taxi down in the streets. Confused, he saw two of the disciples staring at him through the window, and ran upon seeing him. Spector ran out of the taxi, with the taxi driver yelling at him to pay, and chased after them through an alleyway.

Spector is taken over by the third alter
He grabbed the man and demanded an answer, before losing his control again. When he woke up, he was on top of another rooftop, with the young punk looking frightened at him, while his friend was lying dead on the floor. Spector asked Grant what he had done, but realized that he did indeed have a third alter.

Spector threatens the Young Punk
Spector looked at the young punk, and was told by Khonshu that he would talk. Spector grabbed him and took him to the ledge, holding him by his scarf. He demanded to know where Arthur Harrow was, but the young punk didn’t tell him and used his knife to commit suicide, much to Spector’s shock. Khonshu told him he thought he would have talked.

Spector speaks with Khonshu
Spector then spoke with Khonshu, asking him if he had any good ideas on what to do next regarding Harrow. Khonshu told him he had a bad one, in which he would send out a signal to the Ennead that they wouldn’t ignore. Spector watched as Khonshu then teleported to the Moon and created an eclipse in the broad daylight.
Trial of Gods

Spector learns about the Ennead Councilfrom Khonshu
Spector then met Khonshu down in the streets and was told by him about the Ennead Council. Khonshu told him that despite being scattered all over the world, they would be able to attend the Council. Spector asks how that worked, and Khonshu told him a portal opened up anywhere in the world so they could enter. A portal then opened up behind Spector and Khonshu walked away, telling Spector he would be there.

Spector enters the Great Pyramid of Giza
Spector then entered the portal and found himself entering the Great Pyramid of Giza. Grant expressed his excitement that they were there. As Spector entered the Chamber, he looked around and saw various seats on a ledge above.

Spector meets Yatzil
Spector then was met by a woman named Yatzil, who recognized him as Khonshu’s avatar. She told him that she was Hathor’s avatar and that she and Khonshu were friends, as he liked her music. She then told him what to do when the Council began.

Spector becomes possessed by Khonshu
Spector watched as various people walked into the room and were introduced as avatars of Horus, Isis, Tefnut, and Osiris. As Hathor began the Council meeting, Spector then became possessed by Khonshu, who spoke through him, presenting his purpose. He called upon the judgement of Arthur Harrow for conspiracy to liberate the deity Ammit.

Spector, as Khonshu, stands before the Ennead
The Ennead then summoned Harrow to the Chamber of the Gods. Harrow explained to them that he was just visiting the desert and that it was Khonshu, who had been searching for Ammit’s tomb since his own service to the god. When Khonshu tried to punch Harrow, he was stopped by Osiris. Harrow also reveals to the gods that Khonshu’s avatar didn’t even know his own name — he has a marriage certificate under the name Marc Spector, but employment records under the name Steven Grant.

Spector admits he is not well
Solidifying his case, Harrow states that Khonshu is taking advantage of a deeply troubled man, the same way Khonshu abused him and the way he conspires to abuse this court. Harrow implores the gods to take action against Khonshu. Horus released Spector from Khonshu and asked if what Harrow said was true in which he agreed.

Spector receives help from Yatzil
With that the Ennead concluded the meeting letting Harrow leave. Afterwards, only Spector and Yatzil were left in the Chamber. She walked up to him and gave him advice on how to find Ammit’s tomb. She told him to look at a black market to find Senfu’s sarcophagus.
Meeting with Anton Mogart

Spector asks Egyptian locals for help
Spector went to the black market in Cairo and approached a local man, asking him for Senfu’s sarcophagus. The man seemed to not understand what he was saying, and Spector was then met by Layla El-Faouly, who told him since he wasn’t Egyptian, he wasn’t having success in asking questions. She told him that she knew where they could find it and told him to come with her.

Spector speaks with Layla El-Faouly on the boat
Spector then sat across from El-Faouly on an Egyptian boat that took them to the place that had the sarcophagus. As they rode on the boat, El-Faouly told him she could have helped him with his personality disorder and he apologized for pushing her away. When he recognized the music being performed, he smiled and told her it reminded him of their wedding.

Spector and Layla El-Faouly approach the estate
When they docked, Spector and El-Faouly noticed that another boat had spied on them. They deduced that the people on board were Disciples of Ammit. They proceeded to ignore them and walk forward. El-Faouly told Spector that his fake alias would be Rufino Estrada and that they were back from the Maldives.

Spector meets Anton Mogart
They were then met by Bek, who was pleased to see El-Faouly and was introduced to Spector. Bek took them up to the arena where they saw Anton Mogart jousting on horseback. Mogart then ended the practice and came over to see them. He reacquainted with El-Faouly and met Spector.

Spector looks at Senfu’s sarcophagus
Spector and El-Faouly were then led to the sarcophagus and both examined it. However, Spector and El-Faouly were unable to decipher the translations. When Mogart asked them what they wanted there, Spector told El-Faouly he needed time, and she went out to distract them.

Spector argues with Grant
When she had left, Spector spoke to Grant, who told him he wouldn’t help since he wasn’t in control. Spector urged him to help and ignored Grant’s arguments about their deal. Fortunately, Grant gave in and looked at the translations. However, due to the awkward nature of what had happened earlier of Spector seemingly arguing with himself, Mogart entered.

Spector chooses not to fight
Spector immediately grabbed a gun off of one of Mogart’s men, but gave it up after they had aimed guns at him and El-Faouly. As they stood in Mogart’s custody, Mogart told them that they had company. Spector then watched as Arthur Harrow and his followers approached.

Spector glares at Arthur Harrow
Harrow confronted them, and taunted Spector by speaking to El-Faouly. He told her that Spector was keeping a secret from her that was about her. She looked at Spector, who shook his head, and glared at Harrow. He then watched as Harrow walked up to Mogart and showed him his Staff of Ammit, before revealing its powers, destroying the sarcophagus. Harrow then left them.
Battle at Anton Mogart’s Estate

Moon Knight surveys the situation
Spector, at Khonshu’s urging, became Moon Knight, and descended from above an upper building to confront Anton Mogart’s men. They were startled at this and began firing their guns.

Moon Knight protects Layla El-Faouly
Moon Knight then shielded Layla El-Faouly within his suit from the gunfire. When he deemed it safe, he let her go, and fought off the men. As she ran out of the arena area, Moon Knight proceeded to engage in a fight with the men.

Moon Knight fighting Anton Mogart’s men
Moon Knight fought them in the arena, coming out victorious. He used his Crescent Darts on them, kicked and punched them, and broke one man’s arm. As more men entered armed with weapons, Moon Knight continued to fight.

Mr. Knight attempting to call for a timeout
During the fight, Moon Knight changed suddenly into Mr. Knight. He then held his hands up and called for a ceasefire, as Grant didn’t want to continue to fight. This was unsuccessful as the men took this to their advantage and impaled him in the back with their jousting sticks.

Moon Knight being repeatedly impaled
Grant then immediately let Spector take control as Moon Knight. As Moon Knight fought off the men while trying to get the sticks out, he used them to his advantage and stuck the men with them, knocking them to the ground. He then snapped the sticks in half and walked away.

Moon Knight defeating Anton Mogart
Moon Knight then saw El-Faouly enter the arena, and ran to her, as Mogart was attempting to run over both of them on horseback. He ran to her in time and threw a Crescent Dart at Mogart, causing him to fall off his horse.[5]
Turning Back the Sky

Spector riding away with Layla El-Faouly
After escaping, Spector and Layla El-Faouly escaped into the desert. With El-Faouly driving, Spector changed his shirt for another one. He was pressed on the secret that he had been keeping, but he brushed it aside stating that it was just cause for division. She thought that he had not been telling her everything and he told her not to worry about it, as she didn’t need to do know everything.

Spector attempting to assemble the map
They stopped in the sands of Siwa and began inspecting the map. As they did, Spector became frustrated and El-Faouly suggested he summon Grant for help. Initially, Spector didn’t, but gave in and tore the side mirror off and walked away to do so.

Grant managing to analyses the star map
Spector summoned Grant, who then assembled some of the sarcophagus fragments into a star map, revealing it to be two thousand years out of date. El-Faouly approached him and smiled that he was able to help them.

Mr. Knight and Khonshu turn back the sky
Khonshu then appeared and told Grant to follow his lead. Grant was then transformed into Mr. Knight as Khonshu used his powers to briefly turn back the night sky to the correct night, allowing Grant and El-Faouly to find the location of Ammit’s tomb. However, Khonshu paid the price and was imprisoned in stone.

Grant passes out from the exhaustion
Due to Khonshu being imprisoned in stone, his powers given to Grant and Spector were stripped away. This impact of losing the superhuman powers had an effect on Grant, who fell to the ground and became unconscious.[5]
Escaping Harrow

Grant witnesses Layla El-Faouly’s explosion
Some minutes later, Grant regained consciousness and found Layla El-Faouly looking at an armored truck that had just exploded by way of flare. Not knowing what had happened, he approached her, and she turned around to see him, dismissing what she had just done to save them.

Grant rides with Layla El-Faouly
In the morning, they set out again to the location of the tomb. As El-Faouly drove them, Grant spoke to Spector from the side mirror, who told him that he remembered their deal about going away once Khonshu was. El-Faouly interjected stating to Grant that she needed to have a voice in the matter since Spector was her husband. Grant then became startled as she stopped the vehicle suddenly as the path had become too narrow ahead.[6]
Finding the Tomb

Grant sees the empty camp of the Disciples of Ammit
Grant and Layla El-Faouly then walked on foot through the narrow gauge and made it to a larger opening. They found an abandoned campsite that the Disciples of Ammit had used, along with their camels. Grant said hi to one of them as they explored the camp.

Grant ignores Spector’s threats
El-Faouly told Grant to look into the tents for anything helpful. As she went in one, he went into another and looked around. When he came across a small mirror, Spector got onto him, telling him that he noticed Grant and El-Faouly’s growing affection. He told Grant that she was his and that if he did anything, he’d throw their body off a cliff.

Grant tells Layla El-Faouly the secret
While preparing their harnesses to descend down, El-Faouly remarked that Grant smelled like Spector and moved in to kiss him. Grant interrupted her by revealing that the reason Spector abandoned her was because Khonshuthreatened to make her his next Avatar. She told him that it wasn’t Spector’s choice to make.

Grant kisses Layla El-Faouly
Grant then proceeded to lean in and kiss El-Faouly. She smiled and then as he made a joke, she jumped down. As he looked down, Spector punched him in the face in retaliation for him kissing his wife.[6]
Exploring the Lost Tomb

Grant meets with Layla El-Faouly inside the tomb
Grant then stumbled and fell into the tomb. He approached Layla El-Faouly and as she spoke about her father, complimented her that he would have been proud of her.

Grant deduces where Ammit’s ushabti is
As they walked further into the tomb, Grant deduced that it was built in the shape of the Eye of Horus and from that figured out where Ammit’s ushabti was most likely located.

Grant hides from the Heka Priest
While moving forward, Grant noticed that a hallway was filled with bones and viscera, and decided to jump on the rafters to look for an alternate route. Before El-Faouly could follow, a Heka Priest brought Billy Fitzgerald into the room and sacrificed him, forcing El-Faouly and Grant to run from the creature in separate directions.

Grant finds Alexander the Great’s tomb
Grant approached the resting place of the pharaoh, and noticed Macedonian writing, revealing that this is the lost tomb of Alexander the Great. Grant opened the sarcophagus and, figuring the ushabti would be hidden from looters, reluctantly forced his hand down Alexander’s throat to recover the idol.

Grant holds Ammit’s usabti
Shortly after the ushabti was recovered, Grant looked at, proud that he had found it before anyone else could. As he prepared to figure out what to do next, he was met El-Faouly. Upon seeing her, he held up the ushabti and told her that they had succeeded.

Spector is confronted by Layla El-Faouly
El-Faouly ignored this and angrily demanded to speak to Spector. This caused Grant to be confused and for Spector to take over the body, who tried to get El-Faouly to run before the Disciples of Ammit arrive, but she wouldn’t leave until they talked. Eventually, he told El-Faouly the truth about her father Abdallah El-Faoulyand his own role in his death.
Killed by Harrow

Spector faces the Disciples of Ammit
Before they could continue, Arthur Harrow and his followers came inside. Layla El-Faouly told Spector to come with her to leave, but he held his ground and told her to go. Knowing that he had no powers, he still tried to fight. He picked up Alexander the Great’s axe and defeated two men.

Spector is shot by Arthur Harrow
In response, he was shot in the chest twice by Harrow, and stumbled backwards into the water. He looked up at the ceiling as he felt as if he was drowning and couldn’t come back to the surface.[6]
The Duat
Waking Up in the Afterlife

Spector sees Layla El-Faouly playing bingo
Spector woke up and found himself inside the Putnam Psychiatric Hospital, heavily sedated. He was then approached by Layla El-Faouly, who was wearing the same clothes as him and appeared mentally unhinged. She told him she was worried that she startled him, but excitedly tells him that they’ve won bingo.

Spector falls to the floor
He noticed his reflection, and saw that Grant was not there. He called out Grant’s name before throwing himself from the wheelchair onto the ground, only to discover that he’s bound to it. Billy Fitzgerald helped him back up and told him that he can’t keep doing this.

Spector meets Dr. Harrow
After the sedation began to wear off again, Spector woke up in the office of Dr. Harrow, who was a psychiatrist attempting to ask questions about the film Tomb Buster and the delusions that Spector was seemingly suffering from. As his head started to clear up, Spector mistook Harrow as the same Arthur Harrow who shot him.

Spector trying to avoid being restrained
Spector then attempted to flee, but was restrained again by Fitzgerald and Bobbi Kennedy. However, he managed to bite Kennedy and break free from them and escaped down the hall.

Spector evades being captured
While fleeing from the orderlies, Spector noticed the hallway turning sideways momentarily. This further confused him as the lights flickered. However, he saw a door and ran to it, closing it as Fitzgerald and Kennedy ran past.[6]
Meeting Taweret

Spector finds Grant
Inside the room, he saw a blue sarcophagus and heard someone inside calling for help. Spector removed the casket to reveal a physical form of Grant, and the two overjoyed alters hugged each other. Grant questioned how this was possible, but Spector did not know and only cared about escaping the hospital.

Spector and Grant search for a way out
While on the run down the hallway, the pair noticed a red sarcophagus in another room with something pounding on the inside. However, they walked past it choosing not to open it.

Spector and Grant run into Taweret
As Spector and Grant looked for a way out through the hospital to escape, they ran into Taweret. She happily greeted them by waving and saying hello, but Grant and Spector both screamed at the top of their lungs in fear.

Spector wakes ups
Suddenly, he found himself back in Dr. Harrow’s office. Harrow asked him about his favorite animal character that he had previously mentioned and thought he liked rhinoceroses, but was corrected and told it was a hippopotamus.

Spector gets injected
When he started acting strangely, Harrow had Billy Fitzgerald and Bobbi Kennedy come inside. They then restrained him and injected him with another sedative as he attempted to stab himself in the eye with an object from Harrow’s desk.

Spector meets Taweret
Spector woke up in the hallway screaming as he saw Taweret standing before him. She walked up to them and introduced herself, stating it had been awhile that she had people there. She told him he was in the Duat, an astral dimension. Grant knew it as the Egyptian underworld. Taweret told them that they had indeed died. She then noted that it was strange that Spector had chosen a psychiatric hospital as his place to be, in which he stated it was because he was insane.[6]
Exploring the Past

Spector and Grant on the Egyptian ship
Initially, Spector refused to believe that he and Grant were dead. However, upon entering a door he found himself on the deck of an Egyptian ship sailing through sand, which convinced him that the Duat was real. Taweretthen removed Spector and Grant’s hearts and placed them on the Scales of Justice to judge if they were worthy of the Field of Reeds. However, the scales began fluctuating wildly. Taweret told the pair to travel through the Duat and reconcile their past before they reached the afterlife, or else they would be condemned to the sands of the Duat for all eternity.

Grant watches Randall and Marc
They returned to the interior, the doors of which now contained memories from Spector and Grant’s life. Spector attempted to convince Grant to help him kill Taweret and steer the boat themselves, but Grant refused. Grant followed a child’s voice to the hospital cafeteria, which was filled with the bodies of all the people Spector had killed as Moon Knight. Even though he assured Grant that they were all criminals, he remembered each and every one of them. Grant then saw a child at the end of the room, who he followed into another door, locking Spector outside. Inside the room, he relived the memories of his brother Randall Spector drowning and his mother Wendy Spector becoming abusive. Before he could enter his childhood room, Spector pulled Grant into a new memory of Spector leaving his house as a teenager then his memory of becoming Moon Knight.

Tawaret attempts to redirect the ship
The duo were suddenly startled by the sound of baboons, and followed them back to the deck of the ship. Taweret watched in horror as souls began pouring into the Duat without being judged, revealing that Ammithad returned. Spector asked Taweret to return them to life to stop Harrow, but she told him that even if she resurrected them, they would die again of their wounds without Khonshu’s healing. Spector asked Taweret to send a message to Layla El-Faouly to free Khonshu, and she agreed to steer the ship towards the realm of the living so long as their scales were balanced.

Dr. Harrow advises Marc.
Returning to the interior, Spector refused to let Grant see what was behind that door in his room, eventually breaking down and pounding on his head. He suddenly found himself back in Dr. Harrow’s office, who informed Spector that he had not been injected with anything. Harrow told Spector that he needed to reconcile with Grant.

Grant tearfully says, ”My mum is dead.’
Finding himself back in the Duat, Spector and Grant entered the room, where Grant witnessed the moment he was created. As his mother broke into the room, Spector pulled Grant away before he could see her beating him. Spector told Grant that he had let Grant live a happy life believing that his mother loved him and was still alive. Grant was incredulous that his mother was dead, but he suddenly appeared in Dr. Harrow’s office with a start. Harrow said he was happy to see Grant, since he was worried he would never see him again. Harrow offered to call Grant’s mother on the phone, while Grant tried to think of excuses to make him stop. Finally, Grant accepted that his mother was dead after hearing nothing on the line, but a dial tone.

Steven reassuares Marc that it was not his fault.
The two watched one final memory, of Spector refusing to attend his mother’s shiva. Grant reassured Spector that it was not his fault that Randall died, and the two hugged before they suddenly felt the boat stop.
Fight in the Duat

The lost souls board the ship
Once Grant had noticed that the ship had stopped, Spector and Grant ran back to Taweret. She informed them that the Scales of Justice have not balanced, and now the lost souls would be coming to claim their soul. She sadly told them that she was rooting for them, but there was nothing she could do now. Spector and Grant watched on, as the lost souls started boarding their ship. Spector desperately attempted to fend off the intruders, but was losing and was pushed against the railing of the ship.

The death of Steven Grant
Scared, Grant attempted to assist his alter by turning the ship’s wheel, briefly giving Spector some room. However, it was short-lived, as the latter was hit over the head with a metal pole, stunning him. Giving himself a confidence boost, Grant attacked the souls with the metal pole, pulling them off Spector and beating them to death. Spector looked at Grant awestruck, but was then immediately attacked again by an attacker hanging off the ship. Attempting to help Spector, Grant rushed the soul, but he was inadvertently dragged off along with the soul. Spector immediately got up and told Taweret to stop the ship, but was unable, and watched on helplessly, as Grant fell over and slowly turned to sand.[3]
Arrival into the Field of Reeds

Spector arrives at the Field of Reeds
In the wake of the sacrifice of his alter, Steven Grant, Spector’s scales had finally balanced against the Scales of Justice making him worthy to enter into the dimension of the Field of Reeds, a version of heaven after death. This made Spector transport from the ship into the beautiful dimension at the last moment, as he peered out into the fields in complete awe of the beauty of the place, yet feeling extreme sadness for the loss of his comforting alter.

Moon Knight is resurrected.
Khonshu detects Spector and Grant’s presence in the living world and strikes a new agreement, repairing their bodies and resurrecting Moon Knight. Spector and Grant request that their agreement be reviewed, stating that they are free to leave once Ammit is no longer a threat. Khonshu is shocked that they are willing to bargain right now, but he has no choice but to accept their terms.
Battle of the Gods
Final Battle with Harrow

Moon Knight vs Arthur Harrow
Harrow sends his newly-granted armies into Cairo, while his disciples evaluate the inhabitants and send the souls of the unworthy to Ammit to eat. Moon Knight (and Mr. Knight, as well) confront him, as Khonshu fights the monstrous Ammit. She invites Khonshu to join her once more, but Khonshu claims that he only punishes those who choose evil and gives them the option, whereas Ammit just takes it away. Spector and Grant, joined by El-Faouly, continue to combat Harrow and his cult members, but fail, while Khonshu is defeated by Ammit. Spector blacks out and wakes up to discover Harrow horribly beaten and other followers murdered, realizing that neither he nor Grant were responsible.
Confronting his Psyche

Moon Knight decides not to kill Harrow
After bringing Harrow to the Chamber of the Gods, Spector and El-Faoulyrecite an old magic to confine Ammit inside Harrow’s body. Khonshuinstructs Spector to kill Harrow so that the two of them are no longer a threat, but Spector refuses, claiming that Khonshu and Ammit are nearly identical. Khonshu keeps his end of the bargain by releasing Spector and Grant, who are now at the Putnam Psychiatric Hospital with Duat’s Harrow.
Return to Normal

Spector wakes up in Grant’s bed
Waking up in Grant’s bed, Spector asked Steven if he was there. Steven confirmed his presence to Marc. While Spector was getting out of bed, he told Steven he couldn’t believe that he lives in the apartment, calling it a dump, before accidentally tripping on the foot restraint and landing on his face.
Assassination of Arthur Harrow
Sometime later, Jake Lockley assumed control of the body and tracked down Arthur Harrow to the Sienkiewicz Psychiatric Hospital in London. Lockley would travel to the hospital and kill some of the staff there.

Lockley finds Harrow
After finding Harrow, Lockley, keeping out of Harrow’s sight would take his wheelchair with Harrow in it from an orderly, saying that he had him. Confused, the orderly asked what he had meant, but Lockley told her to calm down, before escorting Harrow outside the hospital.

Lockley kills Harrow
Reaching his limousine parked outside, Lockley shoved Harrow in the backseat and kicked aside his wheelchair, leaving Harrow to speak to Khonshu, as Lockley waited in the front seat. After Khonshu told Harrow that he never wanted El-Faouly as Spector’s replacement, but instead he wanted Lockley, so he would still have Spector under his command. Rolling down the visor blocking Harrow’s view, revealing himself to the shocked Harrow. Lockley told Harrow that it was his turn to lose, pulling out a gun and aiming it at Harrow. Harrow vainly tried to dissuade Lockley not to kill him, but Lockley, with a smile, proceeded to mercilessly shoot Harrow multiple times, killing him and Ammit for good. With his mission finished, Lockley proceeded to drive him and Khonshu away from the hospital.
Marc Spector’s Personality
- ”You ruin people’s lives. Everything you touch, you ruin. You hurt people, you abandoned your wife. You left her stranded.”
”I did not. I am protecting her. You don’t know what you’re talking about.” - ―Steven Grant and Marc Spector
Marc Spector used to be an incredibly happy person as a child, who was confident, smart, and not afraid to face his fears. However, over time due to his extreme guilt over his brother’s death, the extreme childhood neglect and beatings he used to receive from his mother, Spector started to develop a fractured mind, resulting in him developing Disassociative Identity Disorder. Wanting a happy life, and a happy childhood, Spector created his alter, Steven Grant, a socially oblivious man who lived a happy life with a loving mom, in order to guard himself against the pain of his life.
Spector eventually managed to get some form of control over his alters after moving out of his family’s house to become a US Marine as soon as he could. However, despite this, due to his extreme trauma his alters continued to show up at some points of his life, which forced him out of the Marines. His mind was so fractured due to his trauma, that it was even acknowledged by the likes of Khonshu, who used his moments of weakness to manipulate him into becoming Moon Knight, the avatar of Khonshu who serves vengeful justice.
Due to having multiple alters, Spector is highly prone to aggression and internally anguished to the point of being driven to tears after being asked by the gods, about his pain due to his alters and Khonshu. As a result of his psychological rifts, Spector became a bitter, rageful, and ultimately lonely person who had developed anger issues over time, as shown when Spector shattered everything around him after Grant started fighting against him. Despite all of his pain he had gone through, Spector is a brave and courageous man who is able to think rationally in high stress situations, as he was able to talk and explain to the panicked Steven what he should do while the latter was being followed by the jackal. Spector has a tendency to be brutal and ruthless with his enemies as he had brutally killed many of Arthur Harrow’s men with his hands and weapons, which attributes to him being trained as a mercenary.
As a result of his trauma due to the various events in his life, Spector became a very pessimistic and socially inept man, who always hesitated to communicate his emotions against the world because he always feared the worst out of people, as shown when he was unable to express his feelings of love towards even his own wife Layla. This resulted in him becoming a dishonest person who tried to hide from tough situations, despite having noble intentions. This was demonstrated best when Spector chose to abandon Layla rather than communicating to her about his tough past with his mother, his fractured mind, and his situation with Khonshu, in fear of endangering her or hurting her feelings.
Nevertheless, despite all he had gone through, he continued to possess a strong moral code, such as refusing to kill a child who was part of Arthur Harrow’s cult. He does care about the well-being of others such as his wife Layla. Spector displays incredible resilience as he chooses to do the right thing to help others, through continuing to deliver out his justice, regardless of what his actions has given him. Due to having committed extreme acts of violence, under the name of Khonshu’s vengeful justice, Spector was deeply pained by the burden that his actions had placed on him, feeling extreme feelings of guilt due to his actions, as shown when he remembered each and every person he was forced to kill as a servant of Khonshu and his vengeance.
Despite managing to gain a form of balance after finding love in the form of his wife, Layla El-Faouly, Spector continued to develop a greater self-hatred for himself over time. When Spector had discovered that the woman that he had hated for being abusive to him – his mother, had died after years of not talking to her, Spector became absolutely devastated as he blamed himself for causing his mother pain, falsely blaming himself for his brother’s death. His pain grew to be so severe that Spector was unable to stay in control, which brought Grant out, in order to shelter himself from confronting his mother’s death’s effect on him. Only this time, his self-hatred grew so big that he lost nearly all control over his multiple alters, making Steven Grant his prominent side for a while.
Steven Grant’s Personality
- ”I know being on the right side of things is important to you. Khonshu always tries to ensnare those with a strong moral conscience.”
- ― Arthur Harrow to Steven Grant
In comparison to Marc Spector, Steven Grant is a meek and shy person, with many people pushing him around for that reason. Despite being frustrated with people constantly mistreating him, Grant rarely stands up to them and instead passively accepts the abuse. Additionally, Grant is extremely lonely; he has no friends or family members in his life that he can talk to. This has made him quite socially oblivious, as he often vents all of his frustrations to a local performer acting as a living statue, who, quite obviously, does not respond to anything Grant says. However, despite his lack of social skills, Grant appears to have a great deal of care for other people’s well being. He is disgusted to find out about the people Marc Spector killed using his body and also allowed the latter to regain control in order to protect civilians from a jackal.
Steven Grant is an incredibly anxious and jumpy person. This is not only reflected in his day-to-day life, where he shows signs of anxiety in social interactions, but also whenever he’s confronted with the dangerous aspects of Marc Spector’s life bleeding into his own. Whenever Grant is put into a dangerous or horrific situation, he is absolutely terrified and will do little more than try to run away or hide. After transforming into Mr. Knight, Grant seemed to gain more confidence than usual due to his newfound strength and was even willing to help Marc and Layla more often when Marc was still in control. However despite this anxiousness, he does have a strong sense of morality. After being told by Arthur Harrow’s plans and killing innocent people and children in Ammit’s name, he is visibly disgusted wanting nothing to do with Harrow and Ammit’s cult.
Due to being a manifestation of Marc’s grief upon losing his mother and his desire for a loving mother, Grant became a loving son who was highly close with his mother who only remembered a loving childhood due to his mother’s love. This manifestation came to existence because Marc had to avoid grieving his mother’s death due to the sheer amount of pain that it bought him. Despite, struggling when realizing that his life was all a manifestation of Spector’s fears, Grant came to terms with himself as he realized that he and Spector were one and the same, just different parts of the same person both were originally afraid to become. As a result, Grant become far more confident and vocal, becoming strong enough to help Marc understand that his mother was wrong about him, and he should forgive himself for his mistake as a child.
Jake Lockley’s Personality
- ”Hoy te toca perder.
- ―Jake Lockley [src]
Jake Lockley is shown to be extremely shrewd man who is willing to do anything to accomplish his goals, as seen throughout his various murders in his serving to Khonshu. Lockley is the most rageful alter of Spector, who is willing to cross nearly all limits in his animalistic rage, who never hesitates to kill anyone to serve his purpose.
Lockley possesses a far more brutal disposition than Spector or Grant, as shown when he had killed Alpha and Beta in Cairo when Spector was not in control. His vengeful nature suits perfectly with the likes of Khonshu who uses this alter of Spector to serve his full vengeance on those he views wrong, as shown when he made Lockley kill Arthur Harrow which he complied doing without any inner turmoil. He is fluent in Spanish and it is seemingly his default language.
The sheer rage in Lockley left him susceptible to manipulations by Khonshu, who manipulated him into being his loyal servant under the offering of immense power and a purpose for serving justice. It also appears as though, Lockley serves as the most loyal servant to Khonshu, who never questions his methods, due to his own brutal nature.
Powers and Abilities
- ”Then rise. Rise and live again. As my fist of vengeance. As my Moon Knight.”
- ― Khonshu to Marc Spector
- Divine Empowerment: As the Avatar of Khonshu, Spector is able to achieve many superhuman feats as Moon Knight. However, when Khonshu is imprisoned in stone, he is unable to access his powers.
- Transformation:
Spector transforming into Moon Knight
Spector and Grant are able to summon a suit of ceremonial armor over themselves. The armor’s appearance can be altered, as Grant manifested it as a business suit by mistake.
- Superhuman Strength: Moon Knight was able to completely overpower the jackal, who was strong enough to knock down a metal museum bathroom door, with him beating it to death with only a few hits. While fighting another jackal, Mr. Knight dented a car bumper when he squeezed it tight and pulled it out from the car with ease. When Mogart’s henchmen riddled his cape with bullets, Moon Knight returned them with force and accuracy by flourishing his cape in their direction. He was able to send one man flying with a punch, as well as break other men’s arms and legs with ease. He also quickly broke free of the spears impaled into him.
- Superhuman Durability:
Moon Knight withstanding intense gunfire
Moon Knight can withstand a great deal of damage. Moon Knight was able to land on his feet after falling down several stories and withstood numerous attacks from the jackal without any injuries. He was also able to take bullets with no issues.
- Superhuman Speed: Moon Knight outran the jackal that was chasing him, running extremely fast across rooftops in order to best the fast creature. He quickly did parkour between the buildings to outmaneuver the creature.
- Superhuman Agility: Moon Knight was able to run across rooftops while performing acrobatic moves and leaping from one building to another.
- Superhuman Stamina: Moon Knight was able to scale buildings and jump across rooftops while chasing the jackal, without being worn out or tired. He performed many acrobatic moves while jumping from building to building, also without showing any sign of needing to stop.
- Superhuman Reflexes: Moon Knight can react and dodge attacks or objects traveling at high speeds.
- Regenerative Healing Factor: Spector is able to heal from any external wounds he’s received, even when he was not Moon Knight. Grant was able to heal his jaw very quickly when it was knocked out of place. However, his healing factor is tremendously increased upon wearing the suit. Khonshu suggested that Spector put on the suit so that he could heal. He was able to immediately heal himself after being impaled by several spears.
- Flight: During the Battle of Cairo, Moon Knight was able to fly to the pyramids to stop Arthur Harrow from killing more people. However, only Spector has this ability as he utilizes his cape to do so.
- Weapon Summoning: Whenever summoning the ceremonial armor as Moon Knight or Mr. Knight, the transformation also allows for the conjuration of weapons such as crescent blades or truncheons, with the former demonstrating the ability to return to Moon Knight’s hand after being thrown.
- Power Augmentation: Mr. Knight was able to be empowered by Khonshu in order to alter the sky to how it was 2,000 years ago.
- Sky Manipulation:
Mr. Knight and Khonshu changing the sky
Mr. Knight, with the help of Khonshu, was able to alter the night sky to reveal what the stars had looked like 2,000 years ago. Doing this comes at a price, however, as the other gods disapproved and banished Khonshu, due to the stars changing being visible to everyone, not just Mr. Knight. When he alters the night sky, the stars appear to be spinning so fast they become blurred lines.
- Deity Imprisonment: With a spell, Moon Knight and Scarlet Scarab were able to imprison Ammit inside of Arthur Harrow’s body.
- Sky Manipulation:
- Transformation:
- ”I am the god Khonshu, in search of a warrior. To be my hands, my eyes, my vengeance. To be my final word against the evildoers. To bind your very being to me and eradicate only the worst, those who deserve it.”
- ― Khonshu to Marc Spector
- Master Martial Artist:
Spector fighting against several men
Spector is an extremely skilled and formidable hand-to-hand combatant and martial artist, having trained extensively in both Marine and CIA. He was chosen to be a warrior by Khonshu, who deemed him to be ”a worthy candidate.” As Moon Knight, he brutally subdued a jackal creature in the museum restroom. He later took on several Disciples of Ammit and defeated Anton Mogart’s men. His fighting style includes Boxing, Krav-Maga, Jiu-jitsu, Wrestling, Taekwondo, Karate, Kung-Fu, Kali, Escrima, and Muay Thai. Grant later displayed some combat mastery during the Battle of Cairo.
- Knife Mastery: Spector is extremely skilled at using knives in combat, demonstrated when he took on several knife wielding followers of Ammit. This skill also extends to using his Crescent Darts as melee weapons and throwing weapons. His third alter, Jake Lockley, is also proficient with a knife.
- ”Hey, I’m really jazzed about showing you these new skillsets we have.”
”All right, show me what you got.” - ―Steven Grant and Layla El-Faouly
- Staff Mastery: Grant is innately skilled with using stick-type weapons in combat, as his Mr. Knight armor is equipped with truncheons rather than crescent blades. He was able to take down Harrow’s disciples alongside Layla with his truncheons. In the Duat, he used a baseball bat to kill three souls and save Spector.
- Spear Mastery: Spector is highly skilled at using a spear in combat, being able to use a broken El-Mermah stick to fight and kill three of Anton Mogart’s security guards at once.
- Axe Mastery: Spector is highly skilled at using an axe in combat, demonstrated when he took on three armed men within a few seconds. He is also skilled at throwing them with great accuracy. While Spector and Grant blacked out, Lockley also briefly used Harrow’s Staff of Ammit against him, before Spector took back control.
- Master Marksman: As a mercenary, Spector is highly proficient with pistols, as well as Jake Lockley, who executed Arthur Harrow with a silenced pistol. Spector is also capable of throwing his crescent darts with great precision and can even throwing multiple of them simultaneously. He managed to hit Anton Mogartwith one of his crescent darts as the latter was escaping on horseback.
- Master Acrobat:
Moon Knight swiftly traversing rooftops
Spector is highly skilled in parkour and freerunning, as demonstrated when he led a jackal away from the public by traversing rooftops.
- ”So, what? Am I, like, meant to be some sort of mad secret agent or something?”
- ―Steven Grant to Marc Spector [src]
- Master Spy: Spector is a secret agent and is thus highly skilled with spycraft.
- ”You killed all of them?”
”They were criminals. Murderers. Predators. The worst of the worst.” - ―Steven Grant and Marc Spector [src]
- Master Assassin: As a global mercenary, Spector is a highly skilled assassin, with him killing many members of Disciples of Ammit in the Alps and Anton Mogart’s security guards in Cairo. He has killed all over the world, from Dubai to Gabon to New York City.[3] Spector’s alter, Jake Lockley, is a coldblooded killer, having executed Arthur Harrow while Spector declined to do so, along with killing several staff members of the Sienkiewicz Psychiatric Hospital without being noticed.
- ”Marc, we need Steven. He understands all of this. I really think it’s worth giving him a shot.”
- ― Layla El-Faouly to Marc Spector [src]
- Genius-Level Intellect: Marc Spector and Steven Grant are two highly intelligent men, with Spector specializing in spycraft and Grant in history, mythology and astronomy.
- ”Egyptians invented modern navigation. There’s not a lot of landmarks in the desert. So they came up with a way to get about using the sun and the stars.”
- ―Steven Grant to Layla El-Faouly [src]
- Master Scientist: Due to his passion for ancient Egypt, Grant is extremely knowledgeable in the fields of history, archaeology, astronomy and Egyptology. He knows much about ancient Egyptians’ practices, rituals and way of life, which came in great help during the search for the tomb of Ammit. Due to his knowledge, Grant could not contain his excitement when he figured out that his pursuit of the Disciples of Ammit had led him to the lost tomb of Alexander the Great.
- Master Investigator: Grant was able to find the location of Ammit’s ushabti only with a few clues and drawing a picture in the sand.
- Expert Thief: Spector was able to successfully steal the Scarab of Ammit from Arthur Harrow.
- ”So, you’re learning French and hieroglyphics?”
”Yeah, well… that’s not that impressive, really.” - ― Layla El-Faouly and Steven Grant
- Multilingualism: Spector, Grant, and Lockley are all fluent in their native English. In addition, Spector is fluent in Arabic, Lockley is fluent in Spanish, while Grant is fluent in French, as demonstrated when he recited Marceline Desbordes-Valmore’s poem ”Les séparés”. Grant can also understand ancient Egyptian in order to read hieroglyphs, and had some familiarity with Mandarin as he recognized Jamila and Harrowspeaking the language. Grant also understood Macedonian writing when he entered the tomb of Alexander the Great.
- Crescent Darts: Spector wielded the Crescent Darts as he fought a jackal, pulling one out of the emblem on his suit, which acts as both an emblem and a weapon. He later threw them with great skill at Anton Mogart and his thugs.
- Truncheons: Short metal poles which are Mr. Knight’s primary weapons, and can be summoned from what looks like nothing.
- Glock 17: As a mercenary, Spector carried a pistol as his sidearm. After he was injured by Bushman, he attempted to commit suicide, but was saved by Khonshu.
- ”Did he just throw the gun?”
- ― Khonshu
- Glock 19: Spector wielded a pistol in the Alps, but was quickly discarded when a confused Grant took over.
- Beretta 92FS Inox: Grant found another pistol in Spector’s gym bag.
- Colt Government Model: Spector swiftly disarmed Bek of his pistol, but was encouraged by Layla to return it as they were temporarily outnumbered.
- AK-47: Spector disarmed one of Harrow’s followers of his rifle.
- Alexander the Great’s Axe: Spector grabbed Alexander the Great’s axe in the latter’s coffin to hold Harrow and his men back in order to buy Layla some time to escape. He later lost the axe when he threw it at one of Harrow’s men.
- Baseball Bat: Grant grabbed this bat that was dropped by a sand zombie from the deck when he decided to protect Spector from being tossed overboard. He later discarded the bat when he saved Spector from being pulled into the dune sea, albeit at the cost of his own life.
- Silencer Gun: Lockley utilized the pistol in order to kill Arthur Harrow and Ammit.
- Moon Knight’s Suit: A ceremonial suit of armor granted by Khonshu to Marc Spector. He wears the suit whenever fighting crime as Moon Knight. The suit can appear differently depending on which alter is in control. It gives Marc the use of the Crescent Darts.
- Mr. Knight’s Suit: Steven Grant’s ceremonial suit of armor granted by Khonshu. Worn by Grant while operating as Mr. Knight. It gives Steven the ability to summon Mr. Knight’s Truncheons.
- Steven Grant’s Apartment: The apartment in London is occupied by Grant and his goldfish, Gus. It is a large apartment within a multi floored complex, equipped with ankle restraints to combat Grant’s sleeping disorder. Spector also hid a key to his storage hideout and a cellphone to contact Layla El-Faouly at the apartment.
- National Art Gallery: Grant used to work at the National Art Gallery as a gift shop employee, after being denied of a position as a tour guide. However, when Arthur Harrow sent a jackal to attack Grant, it was killed by Moon Knight, during which a museum bathroom was damaged. Grant was let go from his job at the museum after he is blamed for the damages, in exchange for not pressing any charges against him.
- Khonshu’s Temple: To be added
- Moon Knight
- Season One
- Asylum (flashbacks)
- The Goldfish Problem
- Asylum (flashback)
- Summon the Suit
- The Friendly Type
- Asylum (flashback)
- The Tomb
- Asylum
- Gods and Monsters
- Season One
- In the comics, Moon Knight joined many groups, including the Defenders and the West Coast Avengers, but always left due to his inability to play well with others.
- One of the comic Moon Knight’s identities in Moon Knight Vol 8 is a movie producer named Steven Grant, who perceives Moon Knight’s actions as scenes in an MCU movie about Moon Knight that Grant is producing.
- Moon Knight shares the same birthday as Oscar Isaac.
- Moon Knight was referenced in Doctor Strange, where one of the relics in the New York Sanctum is a white mask with an ankh next to it.
- Moon Knight is the third character with dissociative identity disorder to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, after Mary Walker and Green Goblin.
Behind the Scenes
- Ross Marquand previously expressed interest in playing Moon Knight.
- Jamel Blissat, Attila Kosztor, Ramin Namdar, Daren Nop and Adrien Bour were stunt doubles for Oscar Isaac in the role of Moon Knight.
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