Pact and demon
Giuseppe Tartini (8 april 1692 – 26 februari 1770), venetiansk violinist och kompositör, som trodde att hans Djävulens trillsonat var inspirerad av djävulens framträdande framför honom i en dröm.
Niccolò Paganini (27 oktober 1782 – 27 maj 1840), italiensk violinist, som kanske inte startade ryktet men spelade med.
Philippe Musard (1793 – 1859), fransk kompositör och, ännu viktigare, orkesterledare, vars vilda dirigering och sinnliga konserter skapade ryktet medan han var kändis i Paris på 1830-talet.
Tommy Johnson (1896 – 1 november 1956), bluesmusiker.
Robert Johnson (8 maj 1911 – 16 augusti 1938), bluesmusiker, som legenden hävdar mötte Satan vid ett vägskäl och skrev över hans själ för att spela blues och behärska gitarren.
Termen ”en deal with the Devil” (eller ”Faustian bargain”) används också metaforiskt för att fördöma en eller flera personer som uppfattas ha samarbetat med en ond person eller regim. Ett exempel på detta är de nazistiska-judiska förhandlingarna under Förintelsen , både positivt [ citat behövs ] och negativt. [19] Enligt judisk lag är principen om pikuach nefesh (”rädda liv”) en skyldighet att kompromissa med sina principer för att bevara mänskligt liv. Rudolf Kastner anklagades för att ha förhandlat med nazisterna för att rädda ett fåtal utvalda på de mångas bekostnad. Termen har missbrukats med hänvisning till Kastners handling.
Demoner , även kända som Devils [1] eller Devourers of Creation är en art av Andra och är universellt utskällda av alla andra. Demoner, utan undantag, existerar för att göra världen värre med varje handling, med det slutliga målet att göra slut på universum. Någon som använder demoner kallas Diabolist oavsett kön.
Demoner kontrasteras från andra av den fläck de producerar och lämnar efter sig, vilket kan jämföras med strålning. Allt som tas av demoner kan inte återvinnas och ju starkare demonen är desto längre varar deras inflytande. Att interagera med demoner ådrar sig en tung karmisk skuld , eftersom all interaktion med en demon förvärrar universum mätbart. Änglar kan betraktas som deras motsatser, men en demon av samma rang som en ängel kommer alltid att vinna en en-mot-en-tävling.
Enligt Bartholemew Pecks Abyssian antyder det att tomheten i rymden kan vara resterna av vad som hände efter att demoner matats av det. [4] Rose Sr. teoretiserar att om du spårar källor tillräckligt långt tillbaka, är demoner ansvariga för alla andra och praktiken kommer till, vilket betyder att all magi spirar oss mot slutet av tillvaron.
Anteckningar om den fläck som lämnats efter av demonisk aktivitet som kan utvecklas till mindre demoner som kallas Imps , som är de mest grundläggande demoner som hittats men kan växa i makt. När det gäller makt är de rankade från imps, minst, mindre, moderata, genom ett okänt antal övre-mellanled och demonadel i toppen.
Generellt sett kan bara imper och adelsmän tala; Imps eftersom de är så svaga att de måste ta mycket av sin form från mänskliga offer och idéer, och nobles eftersom de är så breda. Vissa demoner i mellanklassen kan också tala, men i allmänhet de som har något av mänsklighet i sin makeup som Barbatorems sax.
Demoner är också uppdelade i olika körer, vilket gjordes av utövare för att göra det lätt att kategorisera dem. Denna uppdelning är i slutändan konstgjord. Körerna är designade för att återspegla de sju skapelsedagarna som beskrivs i Första Moseboken , och motsvarar ungefär den natursfär som demonen fördärvar.
Choir of Darkness: Demons and devils that had been given life in counterpoint to creation and thrive in the darkness, the antithesis of creation, and entropy distilled. Anything destroyed or devoured is never recovered, making it arguably the most dangerous choir. The opposite of the First Day of Genesis, ”Let there be light”.
Choir of Chaos: Demons that disturb and throw areas into disarray. Associated with the chaotic void before creation, with storms and whirlpools, with rendering areas and Realms uninhabitable for human and Other alike. Oppose the Second Day of Genesis, when sea and sky are separated from one another.
Choir of Ruin: The choir that brings about ruin, they may damage things through connections, allowing them to harm practitioners through their workings. Opposed by structure, such as geometric shapes and symbols. Presumably they oppose the Third Day of Genesis, when dry land and plants are created, in some symbolic sense (opposing solidity and structure, possibly?)
Choir of Madness: The choir that brings about madness, it acts against balance and can be deadly to Others like Sphinxes. However, those who are slightly mad themselves can oppose it for a time, and those who can bring about madness like Dionysus can ward it away. They oppose the Fourth Day of Genesis, when the Moon and Stars are created; opposing and destroying/corrupting clarity, vision, knowledge, and destiny.[8]
Choir of the Feral: The choir that inverts and perverts the natural order and instills hostility into those around it. Also opposses the social hierarchy, such as Lordship. Presumably opposes the Fifth Day of Genesis, when the creatures of the sea and sky are created.
Choir of Sin: The choir of man’s evils, it is a weaker choir but the one most personal to Humans. Presumably opposes the Sixth Day of Genesis, when humanity is created (along with other land animals, although those seem to fall under the Fifth Choir instead.)
Choir of Unrest: Seen as the weakest of the choirs, the demons here work with intangible forces. However, it is the one that furthest its goals in Wrong because it is subtle and hard to get a grasp on.[9] They even take to writing tomes themselves, under the guise of being diabolists, to spread themselves. Presumably opposes the Seventh Day of Genesis, when God rests from His creation – possibly representing other intangible forces taking over from the primordial Angels, in Pactverse cosmology.
Although several systems for categorizing demons exist in occult literature, the choirs used in Pact are an original creation. Wildbow accidentally mixed up the order of the choirs at some point mid-story and didn’t notice it until four years later.[8] In Judgement 16.5, a passage that originally referred to the choir of Madness has since been incompletely updated to reference the choir of Chaos.
A devil of the sixth choir. The choir of man’s evils. A weaker choir, and the one most personal to all of us. – excerpt from Interlude 4
Jinn, which were some really powerful Others that were once ‘architects of creation’ or angels, but were theorized to have been brought ‘down to Earth’, or they finished their work, started to fade, and ended up bolstered with elementals or other forces. – excerpt from Cutting Class 6.2
At the highest order are those Others who have few peers. God, Great Spirit, Primeval, the heads of Fae courts, and the Architects or Devourers of Creation require great power and the firmest of hands to manage, and one mistake, even a scratch on the skin, may be the opening that collapses the Self under their effective weight.misstep leads to the Power overwhelming them, to similar results. – Famulus, quoted in 6.1 Bonus: Famulus Text
There is no telling the damage they have done, but Bartholemew Peck’s Abyssian suggests a dark possibility, that the universe as we know it might be the leftovers of something far vaster. That the materials and elements that gathered to form stars and planetoids are merely the crumbs of a feast.
If this were true, it would be the demons of the First Choir that did the feasting. – Excerpt from Interlude 7.x
“My understanding of things is simple, Alister. Every Other is, if you trace things back far enough, the fault of demons. Every practitioner is the fault of Others, or, for a rare few, the fault of demons. All of these things, in their way, guide all of existence slowly toward its end. The unlucky few who get in too deep fall into their clutches.
“I’ll explain,” she said. “I believe that the ability to practice comes from demons. I believe the world’s attempts to balance itself are a response to this. A response to us.” – Excerpt from Interlude 12
“There is a difference,” Mann said, “Between the various tiers of demon. Imps, least, lesser, moderate, all the way up the hierarchy. The simplest way to mark the distinction is capability. […] Speech is one such thing. It’s an inverse of men. We’re speechless at birth, we gain the ability, with increasing faculties, then if we live long enough, the ability to speak gradually leaves us. Imps can speak because they borrow from men, they sup from the collective unconscious, and they sup from victims. Demons of the noble tier can speak because they are… broad. If they’re neither and they can still communicate, they may well have something of man. A token.” – excerpt from Interlude 15
“Demons and devils fall into choirs. Choir of dark, choir of chaos, choir of ruin, choir of madness, choir of the feral, choir of sin, and choir of unrest, in order. […] The choirs aren’t real things… only an idea that some have clung to, some demons and devils included. They’re a handy way of categorizing.” – Conviction 5.5
Just double checked something in the story and I did get a ’chaos’ and ’madness’ transposed at one point.
Each of the choirs are a reflection of the days the world was fashioned, according to the Christian creation story. Light <-> Dark.
Chaos is the second choir. You could call them demons of the void, but that gets confusing with common perception of ’void’ and proximity to the choir of darkness. In the Pact cosmology, the ’void’ is the world without form. Water and sky are separated into discrete things. In these demons you have the evocative element of things that swirl and storm.
Demons of chaos disturb and throw into disarray. They aren’t focused on singular targets, but on areas. They are the Leviathans of demons, wrecking places, not just for humans, mind, but for Others and their realms. They disrupt natural cycles and create others, turning places into traps or hazards of the body or mind.
And because I confused them, to elaborate, the choir of madness is tied into the sun/moon stars. In addition to being a counter to or a perversion of clarity, vision, knowledge, they play into destiny and the bigger picture. Astrology, star signs, key births. – Reddit comment
Jag var där, men hjälpte inte till, när han kallade Agares. En hertig bland den sjunde kören, en som förde stora varelser ner. En korrumperare och agitator. Han kunde tvinga en kung att marschera till krig, eller stoppa samma krigsvärd i dess spår. […] Många av körerna är fokuserade på påtagliga saker, men den sjunde är en abstrakt sådan. Inte en som vi kan greppa i konkreta termer. Många kallar det den svagaste kören. Det är en vi riskerar att underskatta eller tappa ur sikte, och därmed den som kommer längst i sina strävanden mot Felet. – utdrag ur Interlude 4
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