Winx feerna på äventyr serie berättelsen!


Hennes namn: Bloom Peters.

Hennes smeknamn: Blomman.

Ålder: 16 år.

Hennes stjärntecken är: Skytten är alltså inte rädd att driva saker framåt och är naturligt och optimistisk till förändringar. I och med Skyttens egenskaper passar hen till att driva nya projekt framåt eller göra en inre resa. Projektledare, författare eller advokat är yrken som  passar skytten.

Hennes födelsedag : 12 December 2004.

Hennes ögonfärg: Blåa, orange( när strömmen är aktiv).

Hennes hårfärg: Är rödhårig.

Kön: Kvinna.

Hennes längd: 1, 64m, 181cm.

Hennes månad-sten är  Röd Topas! Topas är en ädelsten som består av silikat, fluorid och aluminiumhydroxid. Den är känd sedan 1538. Ren topas är ofärgad, men som regel uppträder de färgade av metaller, varför topaser kan förkomma i alla färger, men orange och vinfärgad topas är de vanligaste. Världens största topas är blå och på 9 381 karat och visades upp på Naturhistoriska museet i London 2016.

Hennes största dröm: Att vara en fe.

Hennes bästa egenskaper:är glad, lugn, snäll, orädd och äventyrlig.

Detta vill hon bli när blir stor :När hon va liten vill hon bli en vacker och stark fe med magiska krafter.


Välkommen till min fantasy blogg 2022-2023!




Brea/Rian blogg.


Min Blogg skriver jag faktan om mina favorit serier som jag brinner för och följer hitta några bilder, jag skriver om vad jag gör på cosplay tecknar skolan, clip-studion och min första egen serie från H2o just add water serien. Min egen serien handlar om fyra tjejer som har blivit förvandlad till sjöjungfrun och har magiska krafter jag har jobbat nästan färdig med den sista bild rutan på min serien och jag har gjort klart min cosplay klänning som Hermione Granger hade på sig den näst sista filmen av Harry Potter 7. På Clip Studion övningar jag har gjort Sailor Jupiter Sailor Mars, Hermione Granger och Brea Gelfling. Idag håller jag på att rita av Tauriel alven från the hobbit 2 Smaugs ödemark och sen ska jag göra bakgrunden. Jag håller på skriva men egen serien av The Dark Crystal serien och mina egna karaktärer ska ha sina personligheter i både i The Dark Crystal och lite på The Lord of rings. Idag ritade jag Padme från Star Wars på Clip studion övningar jag har tuscha  t på henne och bakgrunden. Men jag har färgat hennes ansikte och över både hennes ögon fransar och ögonlocken. Igår var jag och min personal Josefine på bio och såg på Karl Bertil Jonssons Julafton i bergakungen. Igår målade jag ögonen och munnen håret på Padme i clip studion övningar och idag jobbade jag med min serie. På min jul semester började jag skriva på min egna och nya karaktärerna på min egna av Mako mermaids min första karaktär som jag skriver om heter Victoria Turner. I går blev jag klar med min Brea Gelfling virkning dockan ifrån The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. Nu börja Jag virka Jareth ugglan ifrån filmen Labyrinth 1986. I den här veckan håller jag på att göra en ny egen serie om fate of winx men min serie ska heta Winx Club feerna på äventyr min serie manus är snart klar, jag håller på att göra blogg omslag på mina egna karaktärer på min nya serie på fredagar har jag chill Friday och jag börja att virka två drakar en mig själv och den andra draken ska jag ge till min kusin Lukas,

Min andra karaktär på min nya serie av Mako Mermaids 2022!

Hennes namn: är Alicia Weilan Swann. Weilan är en östlig sjöjungfru som dyker upp i säsong tre av Mako: Island of Secerts. Skicklig med självförsvar och Eastern Pod-magi föddes hon som sjöjungfru men tvingades leva på land efter att vattendraken utplånade hennes balda.

Hennes smeknamn: I hennes föra skolan blir hon kallad för Ally men hemma hos henne så kallar hennes familj för Lecia.

Ålder: Hon är 18 år.


Mig själv på min blogg -2023.

Mitt namn är: Agnes.

Födelsedag är: Den 24 Mars.

Stjärntecken är: Typiskt för väduren: mål med- veten, modig… Detta stämmer också in ibland: avundsjuk, otålig, hänsynslös.

Mitt smeknamn: Agge, Agni, Agne, Aggan, Ange, Aggis, Agge. Min mamma kallar mig för gullegris, snyltrotsväxt rumpetroll. Brea – Gelfling, Prinsessan. Jag blir kallad för gullig fisen/ gullisfis, prinsessan, gullegroda. Min lilla fiskrov, och fantasi- älskare och the dark- crystal. Brea- Gelfling, Harry Potter – Hermione -Granger, älskare, tanten, barbie – älskaren,  Disney, mello- freak, Väsk- besatt, och min gulliga hjärtat, rosenknopp.

Ålder: 29 år.

Mitt månadssten är Akvamarin. Står för renhet, klarhet tydlighet och mod i vår kommunikation, med oss själva såväl som till världen och människorna runt omkring oss. Akvamarin stödjer dig att kommunicera utifrån dina känslor, din sanning och den hjälper dig att lyssna och förstå dina egna känslor och kommunikation med dig själv. Akvamarin är mars månadssten- Namnet kommer från det latinska ordet för vatten och det är verkligen passande för denna ädelsten som skiftar i olika blåa nyanser och ibland i grönt. Akvamarin sågs en gång i tiden som en beskyddande sten för sjöman och även som en garanti för en säker resa.

Hårfärg:- Mellanblond:- Jag har haft mellanblond, Hår, och hade väl lugg ca 12 år. Cendre färgat, och när mina topparna är slitna så hjälper min mamma att klippa mitt hår lite gran. När jag tvättar mitt hår, så använder jag Head and Shoulders – Schampo och Barnängen Balsam – Pärlglans.

Ögonfärg: – Bruna. Mandel- fromade mellan brunda ögon. Choklad – färgade ögon. Min lilla söta hund Moltas har bruna ögon, min pappa Lars – Göran, och min store bror Max har också bruna ögon.

Längd: Är 63,4.

Kön: Kvinna.

Min bästa egenskaper: Ansvarsfull, Glad, Lugn, Stresstålig, Rolig och Känslig.

Min favoritfärger: är Turkos blått/grönt, Violeta rosa, Svart och Choklad brun.

Min Favoritlåt/Musik: är Rocketman av Elton John/ Taron Egerton, I Just Wanna Be av Amy Ruffle, 2 become 1 av Spice Girls; Victoria Beckham( Posh Spice.

Hobby/ intressen: är hundar, måla och rita. Shoppa lite på internet.

Min Favorit Karaktär ifrån filmer och serie: är Belle ifrån Skönheten och Odjuret. Hon är en intelligent, vacker och självständig ung kvinna som tas till fånga av Odjuret och fängslas i hans slott. Trots sin rädsla blir hon vän med slottets invånare och lär sig se bortom Odjurets skräckinjagande yttre. Belle inser att det finns ett gott hjärta och en sann prins under Odjurets yta. Emma Watson som Belle, en välvillig ung bibliofil som söker efter livet utanför sin bys gränser. Hon utvecklar känslor för Odjuret och börjar se mänskligheten inom honom.

Min nästa favorit karaktär som jag gillar är Hailey Rogers spelas av Joanna Levesque -Hailey Rogers är en tonårsflicka, en sekundär huvudperson och en dykare. Hon är bästa vän med Claire och Aquamarine. Hon ska flytta till Australien, men vill inte. Aquamarine ger dem en önskan om de hjälper henne. Deras önskan är att hindra Hailey från att flytta. Hon är galen på livet (som sagt av Claire ). Till slut inser hon att hennes mamma verkligen vill flytta till Australien för ett jobb. Så hon använder inte den önskan och det är oklart när hon träffa Claire och Aquamarine igen. De kanske använder sin önskan att resa och träffa Hailey när hon har flyttat. Hon verkar vara en tomboy och är också 13 år gammal (hon är i samma ålder som sin bästa vän Claire ). Det är okänt om hon någonsin träffar sina vänner ingen, men det kan antas att hon gör det.

Min tredje favorit karaktär som jag gillar är Bilbo Baggins spelas av Martin Freeman- Bilbo Baggins var en Hobbit of the Shire, huvudpersonen i The Hobbit och en bikaraktär i Sagan om ringen. Gandalf föreslog för Thorin och Company att de skulle anlita Bilbo Baggins som deras inbrottstjuv i Quest of Erebor, och slogs senare i slaget om fem arméer. Bilbo var också en av bärarna av Ena ringen, och den första som frivilligt gav upp den, om än med viss svårighet. Han skrev många av sina äventyr i en bok som han kallade Dit och tillbaka igen. Bilbo adopterade sin andre kusin, Frodo Baggins som en gång flyttades bort, till hans arvtagare efter att hans föräldrar, Drogo Baggins och Primula Brandybuck, drunknat i Brandywine River. Bilbo var den första hobbiten som blev känd i världen i stort, och en av få som satte sin fot i de odödliga länderna.

Min fjärde favorit karaktär som jag gillar är Meriadoc, Merry Brandybuck spelas av Dominic Monaghan- Meriadoc Brandybuck, Men, men, herre, jag  erbjöd dig mitt svärd. Jag vill inte skiljas från dig så här Theoden King. Och eftersom alla mina vänner har gått till striden, borde jag skämmas för att stanna kvar. – Glad tilltalande till Kung Theoden. Meriadoc Merry Brandybuck var en Hobbit of the Shire och en av Frodo Baggins kusiner och närmaste vänner. Han älskade båtar och ponnyer och hade ett stort intresse för kartorna över Midgård. Han var också en av de nio följeslagarna i Fellowship of the Ring, och blev senare den åttonde mästaren i Buckland.

Min femte favorit karaktär som jag gillar är Meena elefant spelas av Tori Kelly- Meena – Jag vet inte, men… jag vill försöka. – Meenas svar på frågan om hon kan sjunga inför publik. I Sing avbildas Meena som en söt, blyg och mjukt talande tonårselefant med en otroligt vacker sångröst, och hon älskar faktiskt att sjunga. Hon lider av enorm scenskräck och täcker ofta sidorna av hennes ansikte med sina öron ( ungefär som att gömma sig bakom håret) närhelst denna skräck eller hennes blyghet drabbar henne. På grund av detta kan hon inte sjunga öppet. Men hon gör det när hon är ensam ( eller åtminstone när hon inte får ögonkontakt med någon). I slutet av filmen övervinner hon sin scenskräck, efter några uppmuntrande ord från Buster, tillräckligt för att hon ska sjunga inför en stor publik.

Och jag gillar Johnny bergsgorilla spelas av Taron  Egerton- Johnny- Titta pappa, jag är… jag är ledsen. Men jag vill bara inte vara med i ditt gäng. Jag vill bli sångare. -Johnny pratar med sin pappa under ett fängelsebesök hos den senare. I Sing presenteras Johnny som en själfull gorilla vars sångröst och passion för musik står i direkt motsats till hans roll i fanders bankrånande  team. Innerst inne vill Johnny bli sångare men vet att hans alfa-manliga pappa skulle förneka honom om han visste sanningen. Även om han älskar sin far vill han inte följa hans fotspår för att bli en bankrånare, även om han inte kan säga vad han tycker inför honom. Efter att ha fått en plats i Busters sångtävling försöker han balansera mellan sina pianolektioner och körlektioner för det kommande rånet, vilket leder till att rånet misslyckas och att hans far och hans besättning arresteras. När han besöker honom i fängelset får han modet att avslöja sin sanna ambition, även om det leder till att Big Daddy förnekar honom, även om Johnny lovar att rädda honom och visar att han fortfarande älskar honom. Detta leder nästan till att Johnny sjunker till sin fars nivå genom att stjäla prispengarna, även om han ändrar sig när han hittar Busters positiva åsikt om honom, och bestämmer sig för att vinna pengarna på ett rättvist sätt. Efter Moon Theatre förstörelse, under föreställningen i dess ruiner, saknar han fortfarande sin far, vilket bevisades under Ashs framträdande. Han är lättad när Big Daddy besöker honom efter att ha brutit sig ur fängelset, ångrar sig över sina handlingar mot sin son, samtidigt som han är stolt över honom, till stor glädje för Johnny, vilket tillåter honom att fortsätta med sin sångkarriär. Min sjunde favorit karaktär som jag gillar är Prinsessan Jasmine spelas av Naomi Scott – Min åttonde favorit karaktär som jag gillar är Jareth the Goblin King spelas av David Bowie i filmen Labyrith.

Min Favorit Hjälte – hjältinna: är Peter Parker/Spiderman som spelas av Tom Holland: Ett bett från en spindel gav på något sätt tonåringen Peter Parker dess spindel- djursförmågor och istället för att använda dem för personlig vinning, bestämde han sig för att hjälpa andra med dem. Pojken, en föräldralös som bor hos sin moster, May Parker valde att bära en mask när han bekämpade brott för att inte belasta henne med sina handlingar. Han är med Avengers. Min Favorit hjältinna är Carol Danvers/ Captain Marvel som spelas av Brie Larson: Den tidigare flygvapnetpiloten och underrättelseagenten Carol Danvers förföljde sin dröm om rymdutforskning som Nasa- anställd, men hennes liv förändras för alltid när hon av misstag förvandlas till en människa – Kree- hybrid med extraordinära krafter. Nu är Carol  den senaste krigaren som omfamnar kapten Marvels mantel, och hon har tagit sin plats som en av världens mäktigaste hjältar.

Mina favorit filmer/ serier: är Skönheten och Odjuret 2017 Movie, Aquamarine 2006 Movie, The Hobbit: En oväntad resa 2012, The Hobbit: Smaugs ödemark 2013, The Hobbit: Femhäraslaget 2014 Movies, Sagan om Ringen 2001, Sagan om de två tornet 2002, Sagan om konungens återkomst 2003 Movies, Sing 1 2016 – Sing 2 2021. Aladdin 2019 Movie, Encanto Movie 2021. Frost 2013,2019. Sailor moon – 1992 serie , H2o Just add Water serie 2006, Mako Mermaids serie 2013, Merlin serie 2008, The dark crystal: Age of Resistance serie 2019 och DokiDoki! Precure serie 2013.







Sailor moon/ tjejernas krafter från planeterna- 1992-1997.

Sailor Moon ( TV series ) This article is about the 1992 animated television series. For the 2003 live action series, see Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (2003 TV series). For the 2014 web series, see Sailor Moon Crystal. Sailor Moon known in Japan as Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Japanese: 美少女戦士セーラームーン, Hepburn: Bishōjo Senshi Sērā Mūn), is a 1992 Japanese anime television series produced by Toei Animation using Super Sentai motifs. It is based on the manga of the same title written by Naoko Takeuchi that was published from 1991 to 1997 in Nakayoshi. Sailor Moon first aired in Japan on TV Asahi from March 7, 1992, to February 8, 1997, and was dubbed into various territories around the world, including the United States, Australia, Europe and Latin America. The series follows the adventures of the protagonist Usagi Tsukino, a middle school student who is given the power to become the titular Sailor Soldier. Joined by other Sailor Soldiers, they defend Earth against an assortment of evil villains. The anime also parallels the maturation of Usagi from an emotional middle school girl to a responsible young adult. Due to the success of the anime in the United States, the manga comprising its story was released by Tokyopop. Sailor Moon’s popularity has spawned numerous releases which have come to represent most of the content in the Sailor Moonuniverse, including 3 films, 39 video games, and numerous soundtracks stemming from this material. A second animated adaptation, Sailor Moon Crystal, began streaming worldwide from July 2014 onwards. Plot Sailor Moon ( 1992 – 93) A 14- year – old underachieving young sailor-suited schoolgirl named Usagi Tsukino meets a magical talking cat named Luna. Luna gives Usagi the ability to transform into her magical alter ego – Sailor Moon – tasked with locating the moon princess and battling the evil forces of the Dark Kingdom. When Usagi transforms for the first time into her magical suit with Luna’s help, she overreacts and reluctantly accepts her fate, not sure what has happened to her. At the time she does not know the enemies she will face, the friends she will make, or the experiences ahead of her. As she moves forward, she accepts her fate, and realizes the importance of fighting evil. The Dark Kingdom – led by Queen Beryl – summons various monsters called Youma in order to sap energy from humans and feed it to an evil entity known as Queen Metaria. They also seek the Silver Crystal  (「幻の銀水晶」, Maboroshi no Ginzuishō, lit. ”Phantom Silver Crystal”), a gem capable of limitless power. As Usagi battles against the Dark Kingdom, she is joined by other girls also awakening as Sailor Soldiers: the timid but intelligent Ami Mizuno (Sailor Mercury ), the hot-headed miko Rei Hino (Sailor Mars), the tomboyish but romantic Makoto Kino (Sailor Jupiter), and the aspiring idol Minako Aino (Sailor Venus). Minako is joined by Artemis, her feline advisor and Luna’s partner. The Sailor Soldiers are often supported by the mysterious Tuxedo Mask whose civilian form is Mamoru Chiba, a College student with whom Usagi eventually becomes romantically involved. After continually thwarting the Dark Kingdom and defeating several of its generals, Usagi awakens as the moon princess -Princess Serenity – and acquires the Silver Crystal. However, Mamoru is captured by the Dark Kingdom and brainwashed to work for them. The Sailor Soldiers learn of their past lives on Silver Millennium, an anticent kingdom on the moon. The Sailor Soldiers served as Serenity’s friends and bodyguards, and Serenity fell in love with a prince from Earth named Endymion (Mamoru’s past identity). However, the Dark Kingdom attacked and destroyed Silver Millennium, resulting in the deaths of Serenity, Endymion, and the Sailor Soldiers. Serenity’s mother – Queen Serenity – used the power of the Silver Crystal to vanquish Queen Metaria and end the war. She also used the crystal to send the fallen into the future to be reborn on Earth, hoping to give them a second chance at peace. The Sailor Soldiers eventually pinpoint the location of the Dark Kingdom at the North Pole(D-Point ) and travel there. However, Usagi’s friends are killed trying to protect her from Queen Beryl’s most powerful monsters, the DD Girls. Usagi faces the brainwashed Mamoru alone but is able to free him from Queen Beryl’s control. However Mamoru is killed protecting Usagi while also striking down Queen Beryl. Using the Sliver Crystal, she then faces Queen Beryl ( who has fused with Queen Metaria ) as Princess Serenity, defeating her with the help of the fallen Sailor Soldiers sprits and the Silver Crystal’s power. Usagi however dies afterwards but she is able to use the last of the Silver Crystal’s power to resurrect herself, the Sailor Soldiers and Mamoru with one wish that they all get to live normal lives again. Everything on Earth is returned to normal, and no one (but Luna and Artemis) retain any memories of these events.  ( Sailor Moon R ( 1993 -94 ) Some time later, a pair of extraterrestrials named Ail and Ann descend onto Earth with the Hell Tree which feeds on human energy. Ail and Ann summon monsters from cards – called Cardians – to prey on humans. In order to defend against these attacks, Luna and Artemis restore the Sailor Soldiers’ memories. Eventually, Ail and Ann are defeated, see the error of their ways, and return to space with the Makai Tree. During these events, Mamoru is able to reclaim his lost memories and begins a romantic relationship with Usagi. Shortly after these events, a pink- haired girl named Chibiusa falls from the sky. Chibiusa traveled from the future in order to find the Silver Crystal and use it to save her parents. She is followed by the Black Moon Clan, a new enemy force that is trying to kill her. Eventually, the Sailor Soldiers and Tuxedo Mask travel with Chibiusa to the future where Usagi rules Crystal Tokyo  as Neo-Queen Serenity. They learn that Chibiusa is actually Usagi and Mamoru’s future daughter, and they also meet Sailor Pluto who guards the Door of Space-Time. Eventually, the Sailor Soldiers battle against Wiseman, a dark force that was manipulating the Black Moon Clan with the intention of destroying Earth. Chibiusa is able to summon the Silver Crystal of the future and aids in the destruction of Wiseman. Afterwards, Chibiusa returns to her own time, now freed from the Black Moon Clan’s corruption. ( Sailor Moon S (1994- 95) Some time later, the Sailor Soldiers encounter the Death Busters, an evil organization that is summoning monsters called Daimons to steal Heart Crystals from humans. Their intention is to locate three specific Heart Crystals that contain special Talismans. Joining the Sailor Soldiers are Haruka Tenoh and Michiru Kaioh, who operate  as Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune respectively. The two are also seeking the Talismans for different purposes and come into conflict with the other Sailor Soldiers. Sailor Pluto returns to the present day as Setsuna ; Chibiusa also returns, now donning her own magical girl identity of Sailor Chibi Moon. The Death Busters eventually discover that Haruka and Michiru hold two of the Talismans and acquire them at the cost of their lives, but Setsuna – who holds the third – revives them. The Talismans create the Holy Grail, allowing Usagi to acquire a second form: Super Sailor Moon. The Death Busters’ intentions. then change to harvesting Heart Crystals en masse to resurrect the malevolent entity known as Mistress 9. Chibiusa also befriends a sickly girl named Hotaru, unaware that she is the daughter of the Death Busters’ leader, Professor Tomoe. Unknown to her, Hotaru is also Sailor Saturn, a Sailor Soldier capable of destroying and rebirthing entire planets. Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna fear that her awakening will result in Earth’s destruction and plead for Usagi to kill her. Mistress 9 is revealed to have been residing within Hotaru’s body and awakens upon stealing Chibiusa’s Heart Crystal, the Sailor Soldiers go to Mugen Academy to stop the Death Busters and save Chibiusa, Hotaru, & the world. Sailor Moon is the only one who is able to get in to the academy thanks to Mistress 9 and Pluto sacrifices her life to save Uranus and Neptune who are able to make it in the academy as well, the other Sailor Soldiers then place up a barrier to keep the enemy from destroying the city and the world. Mistress 9 then tricks Usagi into handing over the Holy Grail, allowing her to summon Pharaoh 90 to destroy the Earth. Hotaru awakens as Sailor Saturn, destroys Mistress 9, and intends to sacrifice herself to stop Pharaoh 90, but Usagi is able to activate her Super form to both destroy Pharaoh 90 and rescue Hotaru. Afterwards, Hotaru is reborn as a baby and returned to her father, now freed from the influence of the Death Busters. Uranus and Neptune then challenge Usagi to a fight to prove to them and everyone that she is the true Messiah and the future queen of Silver Millennium, after the fight they both acknowledge her as their queen and leave the city knowing their mission is now over and that it’s in safe hands. Right after Chibiusa receives a letter from her parents from the future wanting her to return home and she does but after returning to help the Sailor Soldiers and Tuxedo Mask defeat the last Daimon monsters, Chibiusa decides to stay in the present a bit longer. ( Sailor Moon SuperS (1995-96) Chibiusa remains in the present day to train as a Sailor Soldier. She meets an alicorn named Pegasus who forms a secret relationship with her through her dreams. Pegasus also aids the Sailor Soldiers by upgrading them to permanent Super forms and lending his power when summoned by Chibiusa. The new powers are used to combat the Dead Moon Circus, a mysterious circus troupe that targets humans with beautiful dreams. By looking into their Dream Mirrors, they hope to find the dream in which Pegasus is hiding, believing Pegasus possesses the Golden Crystal. With this crystal, the Dead Moon Circus’s ruler – Queen Nehelenia – can be freed from the mirror she was sealed in. Queen Nehelenia was once a queen of her own kingdom that was absorbed by vanity. In fear of losing her beauty, she consumed the dreams of her subjects to stay young. She sought the Golden Crystal in the possession of a priest named Helios (Pegasus’s true form) and was sealed within a mirror by Queen Serenity as a result. Queen Nehelenia formed the Dead Moon Circus and used Zirconia as a proxy to track Pegasus down. Although she obtains the Golden Crystal, she is betrayed by the Amazoness Quartet who gives the crystal to Chibiusa. Using the crystal, Queen Nehelenia is defeated and begins to wither with age, forcing her back into the mirror she was once sealed within. Helios returns to his home world of Elysion. (Sailor Moon Sailor Stars (1996-97) Queen Nehelenia returns when Sailor Galaxia frees her and encourages her to seek revenge against the Sailor Soldiers. The Outer Sailor Soldiers; Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, & Saturn return in their now Super forms to help out, Queen Nehelenia then places a curse on the mirrors throughout the city and affects almost everyone and she then targets Mamoru who is also affected by the curse and that will ultimately kill him and erase chibiusa from existence. The Sailor Soldiers enter Queen Nehelenia’s nightmare dimension to stop her. Usagi eventually comes to pity Queen Nehelenia’s plight and is able to rid her of her negativity by activating her final form, Eternal Sailor Moon. Shortly after these events, Mamoru leaves for the United States to study abroad while Usagi and her friends enter high school. Chibiusa also returns to her own time. A group of enemies called the Sailor Animamates – led by Sailor Galaxia – begin targeting humans for their Star Seeds ( which serve as a human’s life force). Usagi is also aided by the Sailor Starlights – Kou Seiya (Sailor Star Fighter), Kou Taiki (Sailor Star Maker), and Kou Yaten (Sailor Star Healer)- who disguise themselves as an idol group named the Three Lights. The Starlights are searching for their ruler, Princess Kakyuu. A young girl- nicknamed Chibi Chibi because of her limited vocabulary that usually involves the word ”chibi” – also appears and begins living with Usagi. Sailor Galaxia’s past is eventually revealed. She once ended the Sailor Wars by sealing Chaos – the source of all malice – within her body. Unable to resist Chao’s influence, she separated her Star Seed from her body, and it took form of Chibi Chibi. Sailor Galaxia steals the Star Seeds of Princess Kakyuu and all Usagi’s companions, resulting in their deaths. This also includes Mamoru who was targeted and killed before he arrived in the United States. Chibi Chibi transforms into the Sword of Sealing and urges Usagi to kill Sailor Galaxia. However, Usagi instead uses the kindness in her own heart to free Sailor Galaxia of Chaos’ corruption, effectively resurrecting all of the Sailor Soldiers, Princess Kakyuu, & Mamoru whose Star Seeds were taken. With normalcy restored, Usagi and Mamoru share a kiss under a full moon.

Production and broadcasting- Naoko Takeuchi initially thought of both Sailor Moon manga and anime for one season. Due to the season’s popularity, Toei Animation asked Takeuchi to keep drawing her manga. At first, She struggled with developing another storyline to extend the series due to Toei’s request. The basic idea of the second season, introducing the daughter of Sailor Moon from the future, came from her editor, Fumio Osano. To give Takeuchi time to write the Black Moon arc, the anime team developed a filler arc known as Makai Tree arc ( Hell Tree arc). Sailor Moon is adapted from the 52 chapters of the series which was published in Nakayoshi from 1991-97. The first season is directed by Junichi Satö, with Kazuko Tadano as a character designer. For the second season, Sato directed the Makai Tree arc, while Kunihiko Ikuhara directed the Black Moon arc. The third season was directed by Ikuhara once again, with Ikuko Itoh taking over Tadano’s position as a character designer. The fourth season was once again directed by Ikuhara, and designed by Itoh. The fifth and final season was directed by Takuya Igarashi, and Katsumi Tamegai took over Itoh’s position as a character designer. It premiered in Japan on TV Asahi on March 7, 1992, taking over the timeslot previously held by Goldfish Warning, and ran for 200 episodes until its conclusion on February 8, 1997. Because the manga was often published during the anime’s production, the anime would only lag the manga by a mouth or two. As a result,”the anime follows the storyline of the manga fairly closely, although there are deviations.” Takeuchi has stated that due to Toei’s largely male production staff, she feels that the anime version has ”a slight male perspective.” Sailor Moon sparked a highly successful merchandising campaign of over 5,000 items, which contributed to demand internationally and translation into numerous languages. Sailor Moon has since become one of the most famous anime properties in the world. Due to its resurgence of popularity in Japan, the series was rebroadcast on September 1, 2009. The seriers also began rebroadcasting in Italy in Autumn 2010, receiving permission from Naoko Takeuchi, who released new artwork to promote its return. Pretty solider Sailor Moon consists of five separate seasons, titled Sailor Moon, Sailor Moon R, Sailor Moon S, Sailor Moon SuperS and Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars, respectively. The seasons each roughly correspond to one of the five major story arcs of the manga, following the same general storyline and including most of the same characters. Toei also developed five special animated shorts. The anime series was sold as 20 volumes in Japan. By the end of 1995, each volume had sold approximately 300,000 copies. ( Englishs dub production and broadcast ) In 1995, after a birding war with Toon Makers, who wanted to produce an American live-action/animated hybrid adaptation, DIC Production L.P. licensed the first two seasons of Sailor Moon for an English-language release in North America. The Mississauge- based Optimum Productions was hired to dub the anime. Bob Summers wrote a new background score. DIC had mandated cuts to content and length, which reduced the first 89 episodes into 82. Their adaptation was created to capitalize on the success of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. The series premiered in Canada on August 28, 1995 on YTV and in first-run syndication in the U.S. on September 11, but halted production in November 1995 after two seasons due to low ratings. Despite moderate success in Canada, the U.S. airing struggled in early morning ”dead” timeslots ; the series originally aired in the U.S. in morning and afternoon timeslots which Anne Allison describes as unsuitable for the target audience. In contrast, due to the dubbing process being done in Canada, the series was considered Canadian enough to be screened in primetime as local content. After the series was cancelled, a fan petition that garnered over 12,500 signatures was created. This was later considered an early example of successful fan activism. On June 9, 1997, re-runs of this cancelled dub began airing on USA Network. That same year, production on the series’ English dub was resumed with the last 17 episodes of the second season, Sailor Moon R, and was broadcast in Canada from September 20 to November 21, 1997 to wrap up lingering plot lines. On June 1, 1998, reruns of the series began airing on Cartoon Network’s weekday afternoon programming block, Toonami. Due to the success of these reruns, the remaining seventeen episodes also aired on the block. In 1999, Cloverway Inc. once again contracted Optimum Productions to produce English- language adaptations of Sailor Moon S and Sailor Moon SuperS, with Pioneer Entertainment handling home video distribution. This dub featured less censorship and was first broadcast on YTV in Canada, and later on Toonami in the United States. The dub finished airing on Toonami on September 13, 2002; in 2003, ADV and Pioneer lost the distribution rights to the first 159/166 episodes, as well as the three films. Due to the series’ resurgence of popularity in Japan, re-runs of the Sailor Moon series began on September 1, 2009 on Animax. In 2010, Toei negotiated to license and broadcast Sailor Moon in Italy on Mediaset, resulting in an international revival. Later, Toei licensed Sailor Moon episodes to countries which the show has not been aired before. On May 16, 2014, North American manga and anime distributor Viz Media announced that it had acquired the Sailor Moon anime series, as well as the three films and specials for an English-language release in North America, allowing Viz to restore the removed content from the first 89. episodes. The Studio City, Los Angeles- based Studiopolis was also hired by Viz to re-dub the entire series. The series began streaming in the United States on Neon Alley and Hulu on May 19, 2014, and in Canada on Tubi TV on July 15, 2016. On November 28, 2014, Australian manga and anime publisher Madman Entertainment announced that they had re-acquired the rights to the ”Sailor Moon” anime series for Australia & New Zealand and will release the series in uncut format with the Viz Media English adaptation in 2015. Madman Entertainment had previously held the Australian licence for Sailor Moon on VHS & DVD until DiC lost the English-language rights. ( Editing – Sailor Moon s original North American release was the subject of heavy editing which resulted in large amounts of removed content and alterations that greatly changed the original work. These changes altered almost every aspect of the show including character names, clothing, scenes and dialogue. Some scenes with brief nudity and bathing were also censored, and any type of violence including violence against children was also removed. Homosexual characters, including Zoisite, Fisheye, Kunzite, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune were also altered, with the former two’s gender changed from male to female, and the latter two being explained as relatives rather than lovers. Changing evil characters’ genders to female also had the side effect of creating more diverse female characterizations, as the evil female characters now did not have the same body type. Viz Media’s release restores all of the content that was cut from the original Japanese version, including scenes that were censored by Optimum Productions at the request of DiC and Cloverway. -( Music ) Takanori Arisawa composed the the score for Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon. Arisawa earned the Golden Disk Grand Prize from Columbia Records for his work on the first series soundtrack in 1993. In 1998, 2000 and 2001 Arisawa won three consecutive JASRAC International Awards for most international royalties, owing largely to the popularity of Sailor Moon music in other nations. The first opening theme, titled ”Moonlight Densetsu”(ムーンライト伝説, Mūnraito Densetsu, lit.”Moonlight Legend”), was used for the first 166 episodes.” Moonlight Densetsu” was initially performed by DALI for the first two seasons, and then by Moon Lips for the next two seasons. The second opening theme, used for the remaining episodes, is Sailor Star Song performed by Kae Hanazawa. The last ending theme, used for the series finale at episode 200, is Moon Lips ’s version of ”Moonlight Densetsu”. The DiC/Cloverway/Optimum English adaptation of the anime series used the melody of ”Moonlight Densetsu”, but with very different lyrics. At the time, it was unusual for anime theme songs to be translated, and this was one of the first such themes to be redone in English since Star Blazers. The English theme has been described as ”inane but catchy. The Japanese theme is a love song based on the relationship between Usagi and Mamoru (”born on the same Earth”), whereas the English Sailor Moon theme rather resembles a superhero anthem.”Moonlight Densetsu” was released as a CD single in March 1992, and was an ”explosive hit.” Moonlight Densetsu” won first place in the Song category in Animage’s 15th and 16th Anime Grand Prix. It came seventh in the 17th Grand Prix, and ”Moon Revenge” from Sailor Moon R: The Movie, came eight. Rashiku Ikimasho, the second closing song for SuperS, placed eighteenth in 1996. In 1997, ”Sailor Star Song”, the new opening theme for Sailor Stars, came eleventh, and ”Moonlight Densetsu” came sixteenth. ( List of Sailor Moon episodes) Sailor Moon, known in Japan as Pretty Solider Sailor Moon, is an anime series adapted from the manga series of the title by Naoko Takeuchi. The series was directed by Junichi Sato, Kunihiko Ikuhara and Takuya Igarashi and produced by TV Asahi and Toei Animation. The first four seasons were dubbed and released in North America by DIC Entertainment (now DHX Media) and Cloverway. The series concentrates on the adventures of Usagi Tsukino, a Schoolgirl who learns that she and several other girls can transform into superheroines, the Sailor Guardians, and fight against evil forces that threaten the world: the Dark Kingdom, the Makaiju, the Black Moon Clan, the Death Busters, the Dead Moon Circus, and Shadow Galactica. The series aired from March 7, 1992 to February 8, 1997, on TV Asahi in Japan. In addition to the 200 episodes, three feature-length films were produced, as well as five short films. In North America, the episodes aired from August 28, 1995 to December 21, 2000, on YTV in Canada, and in first-run syndication (and later on Cartoon Network) in the United States. The first two seasons of the series, Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon R, were sold across 20 VHS volumes in Japan in 1995, and by the end of that year, each volume had sold more than 300,000 copies. In 2001, ADV Films released the English dubs of the first two seasons to 20 VHS volumes. The first two English language seasons were released on 14 Region 1 DVDs in 2002 by ADV. ADV also released subtitled and uncensored and uncut versions of the first two seasons in two separate Limited Edition DVD box sets in 2003. Pioneer Entertainment released both edited and unedited versions of the third and fourth seasons, Sailor Moon S and Sailor Moon Super S respectively, on DVD and VHS in 2001 and 2002. In 2004, the international rights to the series expired. At the start of Sailor Moon S, the episode numbers for the dub were adjusted by YTV to match those of the original Japanese version. There had previously been a gap in numbering because of the seven episodes that had been cut or merged in the previous two seasons. Because of this, episode numbers 83-89 were never used for the dub. However, in the United States, 83-89 were used for the dub on Cartoon Network, and did not match those of the Japanese version. On May 16, the entire anime series (all 200 TV episodes, all three movies, and the TV specials) was re-licensed for an updated English-language release by Viz Media.

Episode list -Season 1: Sailor Moon (1992 -93)

No. DiC Entertainment dub title
Original Japanese and Viz Media titles
Episode director(s) Writer(s) Art director(s) Animation director(s) Original airdate English airdate
Orig./Viz DiC
1 1 ”A Moon Star is Born”
”The Crybaby: Usagi’s Beautiful Transformation”
Transcription: ”Nakimushi Usagi no karei naru henshin” (Japanese: 泣き虫うさぎの華麗なる変身)
Junichi Sato Sukehiro Tomita Yoshiyuki Shikano Hiromi Matsushita March 7, 1992 August 28, 1995
2 ”Punishment Awaits! The House of Fortune is the Monster Mansion”
Transcription: ”Oshiokiyo! Uranai house wa yōma no yakata” (Japanese: おしおきよ!占いハウスは妖魔の館)
Takao Yoshizawa Shigeru Yanagikawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Katsuji Matsumoto March 14, 1992
3 2 ”Talk Radio”
”The Mysterious Sleeping Sickness: Protect the Girls in Love”
Transcription: ”Nazo no nemuribyō, mamore otome no koisuru kokoro” (Japanese: 謎のねむり病, 守れ乙女の恋する心)
Kazuhisa Takenouchi Katsuyuki Sumisawa Minoru Ōkōchi Kunihiko Natsume March 21, 1992 August 29, 1995
4 3 ”Slim City”
”Learn How to Be Skinny from Usagi”
Transcription: ”Usagi ga oshiemasu! Surimu ni naruhō” (Japanese: うさぎが教えます!スリムになる法)
Harume Kosaka Sukehiro Tomita Yoshiyuki Shikano Kiyoshi Matsumoto March 28, 1992 August 30, 1995
5 ”Scent of a Monster! Chanela Will Steal Your Love”
Transcription: ”Yōma no kaori! Shanēra wa ai wo nusume” (Japanese: 妖魔の香り!シャネーラは愛を盗む)
Yūji Endō Shigeru Yanagikawa Kenichi Tajiri Ikuko Itō April 11, 1992
6 ”Protect the Melody of Love: Usagi Plays Cupid”
Transcription: ”Mamore koi no merodi! Usagi wa Kyūpiddo” (Japanese: 守れ恋の曲!うさぎはキューピッド)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Katsuyuki Sumisawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Kazuko Tadano April 18, 1992
7 4 ”So You Want to Be a Superstar”
”Usagi Learns Her Lesson: Becoming a Star is Hard Work”
Transcription: ”Usagi hansei! Sutā no michi wa kibishii” (Japanese: うさぎ反省!スターの道はきびしい)
Junichi Sato Shigeru Yanagikawa Minoru Ōkōchi Katsuji Matsumoto April 25, 1992 August 31, 1995
8 5 ”Computer School Blues”
”The Girl Genius is a Monster: The Brainwashing Cram School of Horror”
Transcription: ”Tensai shōjo wa yōma na no? Kyōfu no sennōjuku” (Japanese: 天才少女は妖魔なの?恐怖の洗脳塾)
Junichi Sato Sukehiro Tomita Kenichi Tajiri Kunihiko Natsume May 2, 1992 September 1, 1995
9 6 ”Time Bomb”
”Usagi’s Disaster: Beware of the Clock of Confusion”
Transcription: ”Usagi no sainan! Awate tokei ni goyōjin” (Japanese: うさぎの災難!あわて時計にご用心)
Harume Kosaka Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kazuyuki Hashimoto Akira Nakamura May 9, 1992 September 6, 1995
10 7 ”An Uncharmed Life”
”The Cursed Bus: Enter Mars, the Guardian of Fire”
Transcription: ”Norowareta basu! Honō no senshi Māzu tōjō” (Japanese: 呪われたバス!炎の戦士マーズ登場)
Kazuhisa Takenouchi Sukehiro Tomita Yoshiyuki Shikano Kiyoshi Matsumoto May 16, 1992 September 7, 1995
11 8 ”Nightmare in Dreamland”
”Usagi vs. Rei: Nightmare in Dream Land”
Transcription: ”Usagi to Rei taiketsu? Yume rando no akumu” (Japanese: うさぎとレイ対決?夢ランドの悪夢)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Shigeru Yanagikawa Minoru Ōkōchi Masahiro Ando May 23, 1992 September 8, 1995
12 9 ”Cruise Blues”
”I Want a Boyfriend: The Luxury Cruise Ship is a Trap”
Transcription: ”Watashi datte kare ga hoshii! Gōkasen no wana” (Japanese: 私だって彼が欲しい!豪華船のワナ)
Yūji Endō Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kenichi Tajiri Kazuko Tadano May 30, 1992 September 11, 1995
13 10 ”Fight to the Finish”
”Girls Unite: The End of Jadeite”
Transcription: ”Onna no ko wa danketsu yo! Jedaito no saigo” (Japanese: 女の子は団結よ!ジェダイトの最期)
Harume Kosaka Sukehiro Tomita Kazuyuki Hashimoto Akira Nakamura June 6, 1992 September 12, 1995
14 11 ”Match Point for Sailor Moon”
”A New Enemy Appears: Nephrite’s Evil Crest”
Transcription: ”Arata naru kyōteki, Nefuraito ma no monshō” (Japanese: 新たなる強敵, ネフライト魔の紋章)
Junichi Sato Shigeru Yanagikawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Hisashi Kagawa June 13, 1992 September 13, 1995
15 12 ”An Unnatural Phenomena”
”Usagi’s Panic: Rei’s First Date”
Transcription: ”Usagi aseru! Rei-chan hatsu dēto” (Japanese: うさぎアセる!レイちゃん初デート)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Katsuyuki Sumisawa Minoru Ōkōchi Kiyoshi Matsumoto June 20, 1992 September 14, 1995
16 13 ”Wedding Day Blues”
”A Girl’s Dream: Usagi Becomes a Bride”
Transcription: ”Junpaku doresu no yume! Usagi hanayome ni naru” (Japanese: 純白ドレスの夢!うさぎ花嫁になる)
Kazuhisa Takenouchi Megumi Sugihara Kenichi Tajiri Masahiro Ando June 27, 1992 September 15, 1995
17 14 ”Shutter Bugged”
”Usagi’s a Model: The Flash of the Monster Camera”
Transcription: ”Moderu wa Usagi? Yōma kamera no nessha” (Japanese: モデルはうさぎ?妖魔カメラの熱写)
Yūji Endō Sukehiro Tomita Kazuyuki Hashimoto Kazuko Tadano July 4, 1992 September 18, 1995
18 15 ”Dangerous Dollies”
”Shingo’s Love: The Grieving Doll”
Transcription: ”Shingo no junjō! Kanashimi no Furansu ningyō” (Japanese: 進悟の純情!哀しみのフランス人形)
Harume Kosaka Shigeru Yanagikawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Ikuko Itō July 11, 1992 September 19, 1995
19 16 ”Who is That Masked Man?”
”Usagi’s Joy: A Love Letter from Tuxedo Mask”
Transcription: ”Usagi kangeki! Takishīdo Kamen no rabu retā” (Japanese: うさぎ感激!タキシード仮面の恋文)
Takao Yoshizawa Sukehiro Tomita Minoru Ōkōchi Akira Nakamura July 25, 1992 September 20, 1995
20 ”The Summer, the Beach, Youth and Ghosts”
Transcription: ”Natsu yo, Umi yo, Seishun yo! Omake ni yūrei mo yo” (Japanese: 夏よ海よ青春よ!おまけに幽霊もよ)
Kazuhisa Takenouchi Megumi Sugihara Kenichi Tajiri Hisashi Kagawa August 1, 1992
21 17 ”An Animated Mess”
”Protect the Children’s Dreams: Friendship Through Anime”
Transcription: ”Kodomotachi no yume mamore! Anime ni musubu yūjō” (Japanese: 子供達の夢守れ!アニメに結ぶ友情)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kazuyuki Hashimoto Hiromi Matsushita
Kazuko Tadano
August 8, 1992 September 21, 1995
22 18 ”Worth a Princess’s Ransom”
”Romance Under the Moon: Usagi’s First Kiss”
Transcription: ”Gekka no romansu! Usagi no hatsu kissu” (Japanese: 月下のロマンス!うさぎの初キッス)
Yūji Endō Sukehiro Tomita Yoshiyuki Shikano Kiyoshi Matsumoto August 15, 1992 September 22, 1995
23 19 ”Molly’s Folly”
”Wish Upon a Star: Naru’s First Love”
Transcription: ”Nagareboshi ni negai wo! Naru-chan no jun’ai” (Japanese: 流れ星に願いを!なるちゃんの純愛)
Harume Kosaka Shigeru Yanagikawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Masahiro Ando August 22, 1992 September 25, 1995
24 20 ”A Friend in Wolf’s Clothing”
”Naru’s Tears: Nephrite Dies for Love”
Transcription: ”Naru-chan gōkyū! Nefuraito ai no shi” (Japanese: なるちゃん号泣!ネフライト愛の死)
Junichi Sato
Takuya Igarashi
Sukehiro Tomita Minoru Ōkōchi Ikuko Itō August 29, 1992 September 26, 1995
25 21 ”Jupiter Comes Thundering In”
”Jupiter, the Powerful Girl in Love”
Transcription: ”Koisuru kairiki shōjo, Jupitā-chan” (Japanese: 恋する怪力少女, ジュピターちゃん)
Kazuhisa Takenouchi Shigeru Yanagikawa Kenichi Tajiri Hisashi Kagawa September 5, 1992 September 27, 1995
26 22 ”The Power of Friendship”
”Restore Naru’s Smile: Usagi’s Friendship”
Transcription: ”Naru-chan ni egao wo! Usagi no yūjō” (Japanese: なるちゃんに笑顔を!うさぎの友情)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Sukehiro Tomita Kazuyuki Hashimoto Akira Nakamura September 12, 1992 September 28, 1995
27 23 ”Mercury’s Mental Match”
”Crushing on Ami: The Boy Who Can See the Future”
Transcription: ”Ami-chan e no koi!? Mirai yochi no shōnen” (Japanese: 亜美ちゃんへの恋!?未来予知の少年)
Takao Yoshizawa Katsuyuki Sumisawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Masahiro Ando October 10, 1992 September 29, 1995
28 24 ”An Artful Attack”
”The Painting of Love: Usagi and Mamoru Get Closer”
Transcription: ”Koi no irasuto, Usagi to Mamoru ga sekkin?” (Japanese: 恋のイラスト, うさぎと衛が接近?)
Yūji Endō Megumi Sugihara Minoru Ōkōchi Kazuko Tadano October 17, 1992 October 2, 1995
29 25 ”Too Many Girlfriends”
”Total Chaos: The Messy Love Rectangle”
Transcription: ”Daikonsen! Guchagucha koi no shikaku kankei” (Japanese: 大混線!グチャグチャ恋の四角関係)
Harume Kosaka Shigeru Yanagikawa Kenichi Tajiri Kiyoshi Matsumoto October 24, 1992 October 3, 1995
30 26 ”Grandpa’s Follies”
”Grandpa Loses Control: Rei in Danger”
Transcription: ”Ojī-chan ranshin, Rei-chan no kiki” (Japanese: お爺ちゃん乱心, レイちゃんの危機)
Kazuhisa Takenouchi Sukehiro Tomita Kazuyuki Hashimoto Akira Nakamura October 31, 1992 October 4, 1995
31 27 ”Kitty Chaos”
”Love and Chased: Luna’s Worst Day Ever”
Transcription: ”Koisarete owarete! Luna no saiaku no hi” (Japanese: 恋されて追われて!ルナの最悪の日)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Katsuyuki Sumisawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Ikuko Itō November 7, 1992 October 5, 1995
32 28 ”Tuxedo Melvin”
”Umino’s Resolve: I’ll Protect Naru”
Transcription: ”Umino no kesshin! Naru-chan wa boku ga mamoru” (Japanese: 海野の決心!なるちゃんは僕が守る)
Takao Yoshizawa Shigeru Yanagikawa Minoru Ōkōchi Hisashi Kagawa November 14, 1992 October 6, 1995
33 29 ”Sailor V Makes the Scene”
”Enter Venus, the Last Sailor Guardian”
Transcription: ”Saigo no Sērā Senshi, Vīnasu tōjō” (Japanese: 最後のセーラー戦士, ヴィーナス登場)
Yūji Endō Megumi Sugihara Kenichi Tajiri Masahiro Ando November 21, 1992 October 9, 1995
34 30 ”A Crystal Clear Destiny”
”The Shining Silver Crystal: The Moon Princess Appears”
Transcription: ”Hikari kagayaku ginzuishō! Tsuki no purinsesu tōjō” (Japanese: 光輝く銀水晶!月のプリンセス登場)
Harume Kosaka Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kazuyuki Hashimoto Kazuko Tadano November 28, 1992 October 10, 1995
35 31 ”A Reluctant Princess”
”Returning Memories: Usagi and Mamoru’s Past”
Transcription: ”Yomigaeru kioku! Usagi to Mamoru no kako” (Japanese: よみがえる記憶!うさぎと衛の過去)
Takuya Igarashi Katsuyuki Sumisawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Akira Nakamura December 5, 1992 October 11, 1995
36 32 ”Bad Hair Day”
”Usagi’s Confusion: Is Tuxedo Mask Evil?”
Transcription: ”Usagi konran! Takishīdo Kamen wa aku?” (Japanese: うさぎ混乱!タキシード仮面は悪?)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Sukehiro Tomita Minoru Ōkōchi Kiyoshi Matsumoto December 12, 1992 October 12, 1995
37 33 ”Little Miss Manners”
”Let’s Become a Princess: Usagi’s Bizarre Training”
Transcription: ”Mezase purinsesu? Usagi no chintokkun” (Japanese: めざせプリンセス?うさぎの珍特訓)
Hiromichi Matano Shigeru Yanagikawa Kenichi Tajiri Ikuko Itō December 19, 1992 October 13, 1995
38 34 ”Ski Bunny Blues”
”The Snow, the Mountains, Friendship and Monsters”
Transcription: ”Yuki yo, Yama yo, Yūjō yo! Yappari yōma mo yo” (Japanese: 雪よ山よ友情よ!やっぱり妖魔もよ)
Takao Yoshizawa Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kazuyuki Hashimoto Hisashi Kagawa December 26, 1992 October 16, 1995
39 35 ”Ice Princess”
”Paired with a Monster: Mako, the Ice Skating Queen”
Transcription: ”Yōma to pea!? Hyōjō no joō Mako-chan” (Japanese: 妖魔とペア!?氷上の女王まこちゃん)
Kazuhisa Takenouchi Megumi Sugihara Yoshiyuki Shikano Kazuko Tadano January 9, 1993 October 17, 1995
40 36 ”Last Resort”
”The Legendary Lake Yokai: The Bond of Usagi’s Family”
Transcription: ”Mizuumi no densetsu yōkai! Usagi kazoku no kizuna” (Japanese: 湖の伝説妖怪!うさぎ家族のきずな)
Harume Kosaka Megumi Sugihara Minoru Ōkōchi Masahiro Ando January 16, 1993 October 18, 1995
41 37 ”Tuxedo Unmasked”
”I Won’t Run Away from Love Anymore: Ami vs. Mamoru”
Transcription: ”Mō koi kara nigenai! Ami to Mamoru taiketsu” (Japanese: もう恋から逃げない!亜美と衛対決)
Yūji Endō Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kenichi Tajiri Akira Nakamura January 23, 1993 October 19, 1995
42 ”Sailor Venus’ Past: Minako’s Tragic Love”
Transcription: ”Sērā Vīnasu no kako, Minako no hiren” (Japanese: Sヴィーナスの過去, 美奈子の悲劇)
Takuya Igarashi Sukehiro Tomita Kazuyuki Hashimoto Kiyoshi Matsumoto January 30, 1993
43 38 ”Fractious Friends”
”Usagi Abandoned: The Falling-Out of the Sailor Guardians”
Transcription: ”Usagi ga koritsu? Sērā Senshi-tachi no ōgenka” (Japanese: うさぎが孤立?S戦士達の大ゲンカ)
Kazuhisa Takenouchi Shigeru Yanagikawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Katsumi Tamegai February 6, 1993 October 20, 1995
44 39 ”The Past Returns”
”Usagi’s Awakening: A Message from the Distant Past”
Transcription: ”Usagi no kakusei! Chōkako no messēji” (Japanese: うさぎの覚醒!超過去のメッセージ)
Takao Yoshizawa Sukehiro Tomita Minoru Ōkōchi Hisashi Kagawa February 13, 1993 October 23, 1995
45 ”Death of the Sailor Guardians: The Tragic Final Battle”
Transcription: ”Sērā Senshi shisu! Hisō naru saishūsen” (Japanese: セーラー戦士死す!悲壮なる最終戦)
Kōnosuke Uad Shigeru Yanagikawa Kenichi Tajiri Ikuko Itō February 20, 1993
46 ”Usagi’s Eternal Wish: A Brand New Life”
Transcription: ”Usagi no omoi wa towa ni! Atarashiki tensei” (Japanese: うさぎの想いは永遠に!新しき転生)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Sukehiro Tomita Kazuyuki Hashimoto Kazuko Tadano February 27, 1993
40 ”Day of Destiny” October 24, 1995

No. DiC Entertainment dub title
Original Japanese and Viz Media titles
Episode director(s) Writer(s) Art director(s) Animation director(s) Original airdate English airdate
Orig./Viz DiC
47 41 ”The Return of Sailor Moon”
”Moon Returns: The Mysterious Aliens Appear”
Transcription: ”Mūn fukkatsu! Nazo no eirian shutsugen” (Japanese: ムーン復活!謎のエイリアン出現)
Kazuhisa Takenouchi Shigeru Yanagawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Taichi Nakamura March 6, 1993 November 10, 1995
48 42 ”So You Want to Be in Pictures”
”For Love and for Justice: Sailor Guardians Once Again”
Transcription: ”Ai to seigi yue! Sērā Senshi futatabi” (Japanese: 愛と正義ゆえ!セーラー戦士再び)
Yūji Endō Katsuyuki Sumisawa Minoru Ōkōchi Shinya Hasegawa March 13, 1993 November 13, 1995
49 43 ”A Knight to Remember”
”For Whom is the White Rose? The Moonlight Knight Appears”
Transcription: ”Shiroi bara wa dare ni? Tsukikage no Naito tōjō” (Japanese: 白いバラは誰に?月影の騎士登場)
Harume Kosaka Sukehiro Tomita Kenichi Tajiri Masahiro Andō March 20, 1993 November 14, 1995
50 44 ”VR Madness”
”Usagi’s Crisis: The Tiara Stops Working”
Transcription: ”Usagi no kiki! Tiara sadō sezu” (Japanese: うさぎの危機!ティアラ作動せず)
Takao Yoshizawa Megumi Sugihara Kazuyuki Hashimoto Katsumi Tamegai April 10, 1993 November 15, 1995
51 45 ”Cherry Blossom Time”
”A New Transformation: Usagi’s Power-Up”
Transcription: ”Atarashiki henshin! Usagi pawā appu” (Japanese: 新しき変身!うさぎパワーアップ)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Shigeru Yanagawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Hisashi Kagawa April 17, 1993 November 16, 1995
52 46 ”Kindergarten Chaos”
”The Targeted Kindergarteners: Venus to the Rescue”
Transcription: ”Nerawareta enji! Vīnasu daikatsuyaku” (Japanese: 狙われた園児!ヴィーナス大活躍)
Takuya Igarashi Katsuyuki Sumisawa Minoru Ōkōchi Taichi Nakamura April 24, 1993 November 17, 1995
53 47 ”Much Ado About Babysitting”
”Mamoru and Usagi’s Babysitting Mayhem”
Transcription: ”Mamoru to Usagi no bebīshittā sōdō” (Japanese: 衛とうさぎのベビーシッター騒動)
Yūji Endō Sukehiro Tomita Kenichi Tajiri Kazuko Tadano May 1, 1993 November 20, 1995
54 48 ”Raye’s Day in the Spotlight”
”The School Festival is for Me?! Queen Rei’s Song”
Transcription: ”Bunkasai wa watashi no tame?! Rei joō nesshō” (Japanese: 文化祭は私のため?!レイ女王熱唱)
Harume Kosaka Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kazuyuki Hashimoto Masahiro Andō May 8, 1993 November 21, 1995
55 49 ”Food Fetish”
”Is Seijuro the Moonlight Knight? Mako on Fire”
Transcription: ”Tsukikage wa Seijūrō? Moeru Mako-chan” (Japanese: 月影は星十郎?もえるまこちゃん)
Kazuhisa Takenouchi Megumi Sugihara Yoshiyuki Shikano Ikuko Ito May 22, 1993 November 22, 1995
56 50 ”Mirror, Mirror on the Wall”
”Steal a Kiss from Mamoru! An’s Project Snow White”
Transcription: ”Mamoru no kisu ubae! An no Shirayuki-hime sakusen” (Japanese: 衛のキス奪え!アンの白雪姫作戦)
Noriyo Sasaki Sukehiro Tomita Minoru Ōkōchi Shinya Hasegawa May 29, 1993 November 23, 1995
57 51 ”Detention Doldrums”
”After School Trouble: Usagi is a Target”
Transcription: ”Hōkago ni goyōjin! Nerawareta Usagi” (Japanese: 放課後にご用心!狙われたうさぎ)
Yūji Endō Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kenichi Tajiri Taichi Nakamura June 5, 1993 November 4, 1995
58 52 ”Secret Garden”
”Disconnecting Love: The Raging Makai Tree”
Transcription: ”Surechigau ai no kokoro! Ikari no Makaiju” (Japanese: すれちがう愛の心!怒りの魔界樹)
Takao Yoshizawa Shigeru Yanagawa Kazuyuki Hashimoto Kazuko Tadano June 12, 1993 November 27, 1995
59 53 ”Treed”
”True Love Awakens: The Makai Tree’s Secret”
Transcription: ”Mezameru shinjitsu no ai! Makaiju no himitsu” (Japanese: めざめる真実の愛!魔界樹の秘密)
Kazuhisa Takenouchi Shigeru Yanagawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Katsumi Tamegai June 19, 1993 November 28, 1995
60 54 ”Serena Times Two”
”Angel or Devil? The Mysterious Girl from the Sky”
Transcription: ”Tenshi? Akuma? Sora kara kita nazo no shōjo” (Japanese: 天使?悪魔?空からきた謎の少女)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Sukehiro Tomita Minoru Ōkōchi Masahiro Andō June 26, 1993 October 25, 1995
61 55 ”The Cosmetic Caper”
”Usagi Devastated: Mamoru Declares a Break-Up”
Transcription: ”Usagi daishokku! Mamoru no zekkō sengen” (Japanese: うさぎ大ショック!衛の絶交宣言)
Kōnosuke Uda Sukehiro Tomita Kenichi Tajiri Masahide Yanagisawa July 3, 1993 October 26, 1995
62 56 ”Sailor Mercury Moving On?”
”A Guardian’s Friendship: Goodbye, Ami”
Transcription: ”Senshi no yūjō! Sayonara Ami-chan” (Japanese:戦士の友情!さよなら亜美ちゃん)
Harume Kosaka Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kazuyuki Hashimoto Taichi Nakamura July 10, 1993 October 27, 1995
63 57 ”Gramps in a Pickle”
”Women Must Be Strong and Beautiful: Rei’s New Special Technique”
Transcription: ”Onna wa tsuyoku utsukushiku! Rei no shin hissatsu waza” (Japanese: 女は強く美しく!レイの新必殺技)
Yūji Endō Shigeru Yanagawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Shinya Hasegawa July 24, 1993 October 30, 1995
64 58 ”Trouble Comes Thundering Down”
”In Search of the Silver Crystal: Chibi-Usa’s Secret”
Transcription: ”Ginzuishou wo motomete! Chibiusa no himitsu” (Japanese: 銀水晶を求めて!ちびうさの秘密)
Takao Yoshizawa Sukehiro Tomita Minoru Ōkōchi Kazuko Tadano July 31, 1993 October 31, 1995
65 59 ”A Charmed Life”
”Dispute Over Love: Minako and Makoto’s Conflict”
Transcription: ”Koi no ronsō! Minako to Makoto ga tairitsu” (Japanese: 恋の論争!美奈子とまことが対立)
Takuya Igarashi Megumi Sugihara Yoshiyuki Shikano Masahiro Andō August 14, 1993 November 1, 1995
66 60 ”A Curried Favor”
”Usagi’s Parental Love: The Curry Romance Triangle”
Transcription: ”Usagi no oyagokoro!? Karē na sankaku kankei” (Japanese: うさぎの親心?カレーな三角関係)
Harume Kosaka Shigeru Yanagawa Kazuyuki Hashimoto Katsumi Tamegai August 21, 1993 November 2, 1995
67 ”The Beach, the Island and a Vacation: The Guardians’ Break”
Transcription: ”Umi yo, Shima yo, Bakansu yo! Senshi no kyūsoku” (Japanese:海よ島よバカンスよ!戦士の休息)
Yūji Endō Katsuyuki Sumisawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Taichi Nakamura August 28, 1993
68 61 ”Naughty ’N’ Nice”
”Protect Chibi-Usa: Clash of the Ten Warriors”
Transcription: ”Chibiusa wo mamore! Jū senshi no daigekisen” (Japanese: ちびうさを守れ!10戦士の大激戦)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Sukehiro Tomita Minoru Ōkōchi Ikuko Ito September 11, 1993 November 3, 1995
69 62 ”Prediction of Doom”
”Awaken the Sleeping Beauty: Mamoru’s Distress”
Transcription: ”Mezame yo nemureru bishōjo! Mamoru no kunō” (Japanese: 目覚めよ眠れる美少女!衛の苦悩)
Takao Yoshizawa Sukehiro Tomita Yoshiyuki Shikano Kazuko Tadano September 25, 1993 November 6, 1995
70 63 ”Enemies No More”
”Battle of the Flames of Love! Mars vs. Koan”
Transcription: ”Ai no honō no taiketsu! Māzu tai Kōan” (Japanese: 愛の炎の対決!マーズVSコーアン)
Kōnosuke Uda Katsuyuki Sumisawa Minoru Ōkōchi Hisashi Kagawa October 2, 1993 November 7, 1995
71 64 ”Checkmate”
”For Friendship! Ami vs. Berthier”
Transcription: ”Yūjō no tame! Ami to Beruche gekitotsu” (Japanese: 友情のため!亜美とベルチェ激突)
Harume Kosaka Shigeru Yanagawa Kenichi Tajiri Masahiro Andō October 16, 1993 November 8, 1995
72 65 ”Sibling Rivalry”
”Rubeus the Heartless: The Tragic Sisters”
Transcription: ”Hijō no Rubeusu! Kanashimi no yon shimai” (Japanese: 非情のルベウス!悲しみの四姉妹)
Noriyo Sasaki Megumi Sugihara Kazuyuki Hashimoto Katsumi Tamegai October 30, 1993 November 9, 1995
73 66 ”Rubeus Evens the Score (Part 1 of 2)”
”A UFO Appears: The Sailor Guardians Abducted”
Transcription: ”Yūfō shutsugen! Sarawareta Sērā Senshi-tachi” (Japanese: UFO出現!さらわれたセーラー戦士たち)
Yūji Endō Katsuyuki Sumisawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Taichi Nakamura November 6, 1993 September 20, 1997
74 67 ”Rubeus Strikes Out (Part 2 of 2)”
”Defeat Rubeus: The Battle in Space”
Transcription: ”Rubeusu wo taose! Uchūkūkan no kessen” (Japanese: ルベウスを倒せ!宇宙空間の決戦)
Hiroki Shibata Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kenichi Tajiri Katsumi Tamegai November 13, 1993 September 27, 1997
75 68 ”The Secret of the Luna Sphere”
”The Mysterious New Guardian: Sailor Pluto Appears”
Transcription: ”Nazo no shin Senshi, Sērā Purūtō tōjō” (Japanese: 謎の新戦士, セーラープルート登場)
Takuya Igarashi Shigeru Yanagawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Masahiro Andō November 20, 1993 October 4, 1997
76 69 ”Emerald Takes Over”
”Magic of Darkness: Esmeraude’s Invasion”
Transcription: ”Ankoku no maryoku! Esmerōdo no shinryaku” (Japanese: 暗黒の魔力!エスメロードの侵略)
Tsunekiyo Otani Megumi Sugihara Kazuyuki Hashimoto Taichi Nakamura December 4, 1993 October 11, 1997
77 70 ”Promises Fulfilled”
”Shared Feelings: Usagi and Mamoru in Love Once Again”
Transcription: ”Omoi wa onaji! Usagi to Mamoru no ai futatabi” (Japanese: 想いは同じ!うさぎと衛の愛再び)
Harume Kosaka Sukehiro Tomita Yoshiyuki Shikano Hideyuki Motohashi December 11, 1993 October 18, 1997
78 71 ”No Thanks, Nurse Venus!”
”Venus Minako’s Nurse Mayhem”
Transcription: ”Vīnasu Minako no nāsu daisōdō” (Japanese: ヴィーナス美奈子のナース大騒動)
Noriyo Sasaki Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kenichi Tajiri Masahiro Andō December 18, 1993 October 25, 1997
79 72 ”Dog Day for Artemis”
”Artemis’ Adventure: The Monster Animal Kingdom”
Transcription: ”Arutemisu no bōken! Ma no dōbutsu ōkoku” (Japanese: アルテミスの冒険!魔の動物王国)
Yūji Endō Shigeru Yanagawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Katsumi Tamegai December 25, 1993 November 1, 1997
80 73 ”Smart Payoff”
”The Terrifying Illusion: Ami All Alone”
Transcription: ”Kyōfu no gen’ei! Hitoribocchi no Ami” (Japanese: 恐怖の幻影!ひとりぼっちの亜美)
Hiroki Shibata Sukehiro Tomita Kazuyuki Hashimoto Hideyuki Motohashi January 8, 1994 November 7, 1997
81 74 ”Child’s Play”
”The Dark Gate is Completed? The Targeted Elementary School”
Transcription: ”Ankoku gēto kansei? Nerawareta shōgakkō” (Japanese: 暗黒ゲート完成?狙われた小学校)
Kōnosuke Uda Shigeru Yanagawa Kazuhisa Asai Taichi Nakamura January 15, 1994 November 11, 1997
82 75 ”Future Shocked”
”Journey to the Future: Battle in the Space-Time Corridor”
Transcription: ”Mirai he no tabidachi! Jikū kairō no tatakai” (Japanese: 未来への旅立ち!時空回廊の戦い)
Harume Kosaka Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kenichi Tajiri Hideyuki Motohashi January 22, 1994 November 12, 1997
83 76 ”Legend of the Negamoon”
”The Shocking Future: Demande’s Dark Ambition”
Transcription: ”Shōgeki no mirai! Demando no kuroki yabō” (Japanese: 衝撃の未来!デマンドの黒き野望)
Noriyo Sasaki Sukehiro Tomita Yoshiyuki Shikano Masahiro Andō January 29, 1994 November 13, 1997
84 77 ”Jealousy’s Just Reward”
”Wiseman’s Evil Hand: Chibi-Usa Disappears”
Transcription: ”Waizuman no mashu! Chibiusa shōmetsu” (Japanese: ワイズマンの魔手!ちびうさ消滅)
Yūji Endō Megumi Sugihara Kazuyuki Hashimoto Katsumi Tamegai February 5, 1994 November 14, 1997
85 78 ”Birth of Wicked Lady”
”The Dark Queen: Birth of Black Lady”
Transcription: ”Ankoku no joō, Burakku Redi no tanjō” (Japanese: 暗黒の女王, ブラックレディの誕生)
Hiroki Shibata Sukehiro Tomita Kenichi Tajiri Hisashi Kagawa February 12, 1994 November 17, 1997
86 79 ”Brotherly Love”
”Saphir Dies: Wiseman’s Trap”
Transcription: ”Safīru zetsumei! Waizuman no wana” (Japanese: サフィール絶命!ワイズマンの罠)
Kōnosuke Uda Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kenichi Tajiri Shinya Hasegawa February 19, 1994 November 18, 1997
87 80 ”Diamond in the Rough”
”Believing in Love and the Future: Usagi’s Decision”
Transcription: ”Ai to mirai wo shinjite! Usagi no kesshin” (Japanese: 愛と未来を信じて!うさぎの決心)
Harume Kosaka Sukehiro Tomita Kazuhisa Asai Taichi Nakamura February 26, 1994 November 19, 1997
88 81 ”Final Battle”
”The Final Battle Between Light and Dark: Pledge of Love to the Future”
Transcription: ”Hikari to yami no saishū kessen! Mirai he chikau ai” (Japanese: 光と闇の最終決戦!未来へ誓う愛)
Takuya Igarashi Sukehiro Tomita Kazuyuki Hashimoto Kazuko Tadano March 5, 1994 November 20, 1997
89 82 ”Follow the Leader”
”Usagi and the Girls’ Resolve: Prelude to a New Battle”
Transcription: ”Usagi-tachi no ketsui! Atarashiki tatakai no jokyoku” (Japanese: うさぎ達の決意!新しき戦いの序曲)
Kōnosuke Uda Katsuyuki Sumisawa March 12, 1994 November 21, 1997

No. Cloverway inc. dub title
Original Japanese and Viz Media titles
Episode director(s) Writer(s) Art director(s) Animation director(s) Original airdate English airdate
90 ”Star Struck, Bad Luck”
”Premonition of the Apocalypse: The Mysterious New Guardians Appear”
Transcription: ”Chikyū hōkai no yokan? Nazo no shin Senshi shutsugen” (Japanese: 地球崩壊の予感?謎の新戦士出現)
Junichi Sato Sukehiro Tomita Kenichi Tajiri Masahiro Andō March 19, 1994 June 12, 2000
91 ”Crystal Clear Again”
”The Rod of Love is Born: Usagi’s New Transformation”
Transcription: ”Ai no roddo tanjō! Usagi no shin henshin” (Japanese: 愛のロッド誕生!うさぎの新変身)
Yūji Endō Shigeru Yanagawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Katsumi Tamegai March 26, 1994 June 13, 2000
92 ”Driving Dangerously”
”A Handsome Boy? Haruka Tenoh’s Secret”
Transcription: ”Suteki na bishōnen? Ten’ō Haruka no himitsu” (Japanese: 素敵な美少年?天王はるかの秘密)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kazuhisa Asai Hisashi Kagawa April 16, 1994 June 14, 2000
93 ”Bad Harmony”
”Usagi’s Idol: The Graceful Genius Michiru”
Transcription: ”Usagi no akogare! Yūbi no tensai Michiru” (Japanese: うさぎの憧れ!優美な天才みちる)
Hiroki Shibata Megumi Sugihara Kazuyuki Hashimoto Taichi Nakamura April 23, 1994 June 15, 2000
94 ”Swept Off Her Feet”
”Protect the Pure Heart: The Three-Way Battle”
Transcription: ”Pyua na kokoro wo mamore! Teki mikata mittsu tomoe ransen” (Japanese: 純な心を守れ!敵味方三つ巴乱戦)
Noriyo Sasaki Sukehiro Tomita Kenichi Tajiri Ikuko Itō April 30, 1994 June 16, 2000
95 ”Blinded By Love’s Light”
”Let Moon Help with Your Love Problems”
Transcription: ”Koi no otasuke wa Mūn ni omakase” (Japanese: 恋のおたすけはムーンにおまかせ)
Harume Kosaka Shigeru Yanagawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Mari Tominaga May 7, 1994 June 19, 2000
96 ”Lita Borrows Trouble”
”Coldhearted Uranus: Makoto in Danger”
Transcription: ”Reikoku na Uranusu? Makoto no pinchi” (Japanese: 冷酷なウラヌス?まことのピンチ)
Kōnosuke Uda Yoji Enokido Kazuhisa Asai Masahiro Andō May 14, 1994 June 20, 2000
97 ”Damp Spirits”
”The Labyrinth of Water: Ami Targeted”
Transcription: ”Mizu no rabarinsu! Nerawareta Ami” (Japanese: 水のラビリンス!ねらわれた亜美)
Junichi Sato Megumi Sugihara Kazuyuki Hashimoto Katsumi Tamegai May 21, 1994 June 21, 2000
98 ”Friendly Foes”
”To Save Our Friends: Moon and Uranus Join Forces”
Transcription: ”Tomodachi wo sukue! Mūn Uranusu rengō” (Japanese: 友達を救え!ムーンウラヌス連合)
Yūji Endō Sukehiro Tomita Kenichi Tajiri Taichi Nakamura May 28, 1994 June 22, 2000
99 ”Mixed Emotions”
”A Man’s Kindness: Yuichiro, Heartbroken by Rei”
Transcription: ”Otoko no yasashisa! Yūichirō, Rei ni shitsuren?” (Japanese: 男の優しさ!雄一郎, レイに失恋?)
Harume Kosaka Megumi Sugihara Yoshiyuki Shikano Shinya Hasegawa June 18, 1994 June 23, 2000
100 ”Individual Happiness”
”I Want to Quit Being a Sailor Guardian: Minako’s Dilemma”
Transcription: ”Sērā Senshi wo yametai!? Minako no nayami” (Japanese: S戦士を辞めたい!?美奈子の悩み)
Hiroki Shibata Yoji Enokido Kazuhisa Asai Mari Tominaga June 25, 1994 June 26, 2000
101 ”Birthday Blues, Part 1”
”Usagi in Tears: A Glass Slipper for My Birthday”
Transcription: ”Usagi namida! Tanjōbi ni garasu no kutsu wo” (Japanese: うさぎ涙!誕生日にガラスの靴を)
Yūji Endō Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kazuyuki Hashimoto Masahiro Andō July 2, 1994 June 27, 2000
102 ”Birthday Blues, Part 2”
”The Stolen Pure Heart: Usagi’s Crisis”
Transcription: ”Ubawareta pyua na kokoro! Usagi zettai zetsumei” (Japanese: 奪われた純な心!うさぎ絶体絶命)
Noriyo Sasaki Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kenichi Tajiri Taichi Nakamura July 16, 1994 June 28, 2000
103 ”Hello, Sailor Mini Moon”
”The Arrival of a Tiny Pretty Guardian”
Transcription: ”Yatte kita chiccha na Bishōjo Senshi” (Japanese: やって来たちっちゃな美少女戦士)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Shigeru Yanagawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Kazuya Kuroda August 6, 1994 June 29, 2000
104 ”Tainted Tea Party”
”Making New Friends: Chibi Moon’s Adventure”
Transcription: ”Tomodachi wo motomete! Chibi Mūn no katsuyaku” (Japanese: 友達を求めて!ちびムーンの活躍)
Junichi Sato Megumi Sugihara Kazuhisa Asai Ikuko Itō August 20, 1994 June 30, 2000
105 ”People Who Need People”
”I Want Power: Mako Lost in Doubt”
Transcription: ”Pawā ga hoshī! Mako-chan no mayoi michi” (Japanese: 力が欲しい!まこちゃんの迷い道)
Hiroki Shibata Shigeru Yanagawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Mari Tominaga August 27, 1994 July 3, 2000
106 ”Related By Destiny”
”The Bond of Destiny: Uranus’s Distant Past”
Transcription: ”Unmei no kizuna! Uranusu no tōi hi” (Japanese: 運命のきずな!ウラヌスの遠い日)
Takuya Igarashi Yoji Enokido Kenichi Tajiri Katsumi Tamegai September 3, 1994 July 4, 2000
107 ”Art Appreciation”
”Art is an Explosion of Love: Chibiusa’s First Love”
Transcription: ”Geijutsu wa ai no bakuhatsu! Chibiusa no hatsukoi” (Japanese: 芸術は愛の爆発!ちびうさの初恋)
Yūji Endō Katsuyuki Sumisawa Minoru Ōkōchi Taichi Nakamura September 10, 1994 July 5, 2000
108 ”Everything’s Coming Up Rosey”
”Usagi Dancing to the Waltz”
Transcription: ”Usagi no dansu wa warutsu ni notte” (Japanese: うさぎのダンスはワルツに乗って)
Harume Kosaka Megumi Sugihara Kazuhisa Asai Masahiro Andō September 17, 1994 July 6, 2000
109 ”No Turning Back”
”The Shocking Moment: Everyone’s Identities Revealed”
Transcription: ”Shōgeki no toki! Akasareta tagai no shōtai” (Japanese: 衝撃の刻!明かされた互いの正体)
Junichi Sato Sukehiro Tomita Yoshiyuki Shikano Kazuya Kuroda September 24, 1994 July 7, 2000
110 ”Destiny’s Arrival”
”The Death of Uranus and Neptune: The Talismans Appear”
Transcription: ”Uranusu-tachi no shi? Tarisuman shutsugen” (Japanese: ウラヌス達の死?タリスマン出現)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Yoji Enokido Kenichi Tajiri Mari Tominaga October 15, 1994 July 10, 2000
111 ”The Purity Chalice”
”The Holy Grail’s Mystical Power: Moon’s Double Transformation”
Transcription: ”Seihai no shinpi na chikara! Mūn nidan henshin” (Japanese: 聖杯の神秘な力!ムーン二段変身)
Hiroki Shibata Sukehiro Tomita Kazuyuki Hashimoto Ikuko Itō October 22, 1994 July 11, 2000
112 ”Show Stoppers”
”Who is the True Messiah? Chaos of Light and Darkness”
Transcription: ”Shin no Meshia wa dare? Hikari to kage no kaosu” (Japanese: 真の救世主は誰?光と影のカオス)
Noriyo Sasaki Shigeru Yanagawa Minoru Ōkōchi Shinya Hasegawa November 5, 1994 July 12, 2000
113 ”Rini’s Risky Friendship”
”A House Filled with Evil Presence: The Beautiful Hotaru’s Secret”
Transcription: ”Yōki tadayou ie! Bishōjo Hotaru no himitsu” (Japanese: 妖気漂う家!美少女ほたるの秘密)
Kōnosuke Uda Megumi Sugihara Kenichi Tajiri Taichi Nakamura November 12, 1994 July 13, 2000
114 ”Mimet’s Mess”
”I Love Idols: Mimete’s Dilemma”
Transcription: ”Aidoru daisuki! Nayameru Mimetto” (Japanese: アイドル大好き!悩めるミメット)
Harume Kosaka Yoji Enokido Yoshiyuki Shikano Masahiro Andō November 19, 1994 July 14, 2000
115 ”The Shadow of Silence”
”Shadow of Silence: The Pale Glimmer of a Firefly”
Transcription: ”Chinmoku no kage!? Awaki Hotaru hi no yurameki” (Japanese: 沈黙の影!?あわき蛍火のゆらめき)
Takuya Igarashi Yoji Enokido Kenichi Tajiri Katsumi Tamegai November 26, 1994 July 17, 2000
116 ”Thorny Weather”
”Sunny Skies After a Storm: A Friendship Dedicated to Hotaru”
Transcription: ”Arashi nochi hare! Hotaru ni sasageru yūjō” (Japanese: 嵐のち晴れ!ほたるに捧げる友情)
Yūji Endō Megumi Sugihara Kazuhisa Asai Jouji Yanase December 3, 1994 July 18, 2000
117 ”Heightened Hazard”
”Higher and Stronger: A Cheer from Usagi”
Transcription: ”Yori takaku, yori tsuyoku! Usagi no ōen” (Japanese: より高くより強く!うさぎの応援)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Shigeru Yanagawa Minoru Ōkōchi Taichi Nakamura December 10, 1994 July 19, 2000
118 ”It’s in the Cards”
”The Battle Inside the Demonic Space: The Sailor Guardians’ Gamble”
Transcription: ”Makū no tatakai! Sērā Senshi no kake” (Japanese: 魔空の戦い!セーラー戦士の賭け)
Noriyo Sasaki Katsuyuki Sumisawa Kenichi Tajiri Masahide Yanagisawa December 17, 1994 July 20, 2000
119 ”Goodness Eclipsed”
”The Messiah of Silence Awakens? Stars of Destiny”
Transcription: ”Chinmoku no Meshia kakusei? Unmei no hoshiboshi” (Japanese: 沈黙のメシアの覚せい?運命の星々)
Harume Kosaka Yoji Enokido Kazuhisa Asai Shinya Hasegawa December 24, 1994 September 13, 2000
120 ”Next in Line”
”An Invasion from another Dimension: Mystery of Infinity Academy”
Transcription: ”Ijigen kara no shinryaku! Mugen Gakuen no nazo”(Japanese: (異次元からの侵略!無限学園の謎)
Kōnosuke Uda Megumi Sugihara Minoru Ōkōchi Katsumi Tamegai January 7, 1995 July 21, 2000
121 ”Fiendish Ferns”
”A Heart-Snatching Demon Flower: Tellu, the Third Witch”
Transcription: ”Kokoro wo ubau yōka! Daisan no majō, Teruru” (Japanese: 心を奪う妖花!第三の魔女,テルル)
Takuya Igarashi Shigeru Yanagawa Kazuyuki Hashimoto Taichi Nakamura January 14, 1995 July 24, 2000
122 ”The Science of Love”
”Believe in Love: Ami, the Kindhearted Guardian”
Transcription: ”Ai wo shinjite! Ami, kokoro yasashiki Senshi” (Japanese: 愛を信じて!亜美心優しき戦士)
Yūji Endō Sukehiro Tomita Kenichi Tajiri Hideyuki Motohashi January 21, 1995 July 25, 2000
123 ”Wake Up Call”
”Shadows of Destruction: The Messiah of Silence Awakens”
Transcription: ”Hametsu no kage! Chinmoku no Meshia no mezame” (Japanese: 破滅の影!沈黙のメシアの目覚め)
Harume Kosaka Megumi Sugihara Minoru Ōkōchi Mari Tominaga January 28, 1995 July 26, 2000
124 ”Who’s Really Who?”
”The Imminent Terror of Darkness: Struggles of the Eight Guardians”
Transcription: ”Semari kuru yami no kyōfu! Kusen no Hassenshi” (Japanese: 迫り来る闇の恐怖!苦戦の8戦士)
Takuya Igarashi Yoji Enokido Kazuyuki Hashimoto Ikuko Itō February 4, 1995 July 28, 2000
125 ”Darkness, My Old Friend”
”The Shining Shooting Star: Saturn and the Messiah”
Transcription: ”Kagayaku ryūsei! Satān soshite Meshia” (Japanese: 輝く流星!サターンそして救世主)
Kōnosuke Uda Yoji Enokido Kenichi Tajiri Ikuko Itō February 11, 1995 July 29, 2000
126 ”Second Chance”
”A New Life: Parting of the Stars of Destiny”
Transcription: ”Atarashiki inochi! Unmei no hoshiboshi wakare no toki” (Japanese: 新しき生命!運命の星々別離の時)
Yūji Endō Megumi Sugihara Kazuhisa Asai Taichi Nakamura February 18, 1995 July 30, 2000
127 ”Tough Kindness”
”A Guardian’s Realization: Strength Lies Within a Pure Heart”
Transcription: ”Senshi no jikaku! Tsuyosa wa pyua na kokoro no naka ni” (Japanese: 戦士の自覚! 強さは純な心の中に)
Harume Kosaka Sukehiro Tomita TBA TBA February 25, 1995 August 1, 2000

No. Cloverway dub title
Original Japanese and Viz titles
Episode director(s) Writer(s) Art director(s) Animation director(s) Original airdate English airdate (United States)
128 ”Dreams Take Flight”
”Meeting of Destiny: The Night Pegasus Dances”
Transcription: ”Unmei no deai! Pegasasu no mau yoru” (Japanese: 運命の出会い!ペガサスの舞う夜)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Yoji Enokido Kazuyuki Hashimoto Katsumi Tamegai March 4, 1995 September 26, 2000
129 ”No Ordinary Horsepower”
”Super Transformation Once Again: Pegasus’s Power”
Transcription: ”Supā henshin futatabi! Pegasasu no pawā” (Japanese: スーパー変身再び!ペガサスの力)
Noriyo Sasaki Megumi Sugihara Kenichi Tajiri Mari Tominaga March 11, 1995 September 27, 2000
130 ”Sweet Dreams”
”Protect Mom’s Dream: Double Moon’s New Attack”
Transcription: ”Mamore haha no yume! Daburu Mūn no shin hissatsu waza” (Japanese: 守れ母の夢!Wムーンの新必殺技)
Hiroki Shibata Ryota Yamaguchi Kazuhisa Asai Hisashi Kagawa March 18, 1995 September 28, 2000
131 ”Baiting the Trap”
”Catch Pegasus: The Amazon’s Trap”
Transcription: ”Pegasasu wo toraero! Amazon no wana” (Japanese: ペガサスを捕えろ!アマゾンの罠)
Yūji Endō Genki Yoshimura Minoru Ōkōchi Shinya Hasegawa March 25, 1995 September 29, 2000
132 ”Perfect Couple”
”The Perfect Couple: Usagi and Mamoru’s Love”
Transcription: ”Oniai no futari! Usagi to Mamoru no ai” (Japanese: お似合いの二人!うさぎと衛の愛)
Junichi Sato Yōji Enokido Kazuhisa Asai Masahiro Andō April 15, 1995 October 2, 2000
133 ”Much Ado About Kitten”
”Artemis is Cheating? Enter the Mysterious Kitten”
Transcription: ”Arutemisu no uwaki? Nazo no koneko tōjō” (Japanese: アルテミスの浮気?謎の子猫登場)
Harume Kosaka Megumi Sugihara Kenichi Tajiri Mari Tominaga April 29, 1995 October 3, 2000
134 ”A Pegasus Page Turner”
”Makoto’s Friendship: A Girl Who Admired Pegasus”
Transcription: ”Makoto no yūjō! Tenba ni akogareta shōjo” (Japanese: まことの友情!天馬に憧れた少女)
Hiroki Shibata Ryōta Yamaguchi Minoru Ōkōchi Katsumi Tamegai May 13, 1995 October 4, 2000
135 ”A Teacher’s Lesson”
”Connecting Hearts: Chibiusa and Pegasus”
Transcription: ”Fureau kokoro! Chibiusa to Pegasasu” (Japanese: 触れ合う心!ちびうさとペガサス)
Noriyo Sasaki Yoji Enokido Kazuyuki Hashimoto Hisashi Kagawa May 20, 1995 October 5, 2000
136 ”The Trouble with Love”
”Protect Mamoru: Ninja Usagi’s Jealousy”
Transcription: ”Mamoru wo mamore! Ninja Usagi no yakimochi” (Japanese: 衛を守れ!忍者うさぎのヤキモチ)
Yūji Endō Megumi Sugihara Kazuhisa Asai Shinya Hasegawa May 27, 1995 October 6, 2000
137 ”Phony Fairy”
”Forest of Illusion: A Beautiful Fairy’s Invitation”
Transcription: ”Ayakashi no mori! Utsukushiki yōsei no izanai” (Japanese: あやかしの森!美しき妖精の誘い)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Genki Yoshimura Kenichi Tajiri Taichi Nakamura June 3, 1995 October 9, 2000
138 ”Driven Dreamer”
”Drive to the Heavens: The Dream Car Fueled with Love”
Transcription: ”Tengoku made hashire! Yume no kuruma ni kakeru ai” (Japanese: 天国まで走れ!夢の車にかける愛)
Hiroki Shibata Ryota Yamaguchi Minoru Ōkōchi Masahiro Andō June 10, 1995 October 10, 2000
139 ”Cutting it Close”
”Aiming for the Top: The Pretty Swordswoman’s Dilemma”
Transcription: ”Mezase Nippon ichi! Bishōjo kenshi no nayami” (Japanese: 目指せ日本一!美少女剣士の悩み)
Harume Kosaka Mutsuri Nakano Kazuyuki Hashimoto Ikuko Itō June 17, 1995 October 11, 2000
140 ”Clothes Call”
”We Love Fashion: The Stylish Guardians”
Transcription: ”Mini ga daisuki! Oshare na Senshitachi” (Japanese: ミニが大好き!おしゃれな戦士達)
Junichi Sato Genki Yoshimura Kazuhisa Asai Mari Tominaga July 1, 1995 October 12, 2000
141 ”Double Trouble”
”Storm of Love: Minako’s Grand Two-Timing Plan”
Transcription: ”Koi no arashi! Minako no futamata daisakusen” (Japanese: 恋の嵐!美奈子のフタマタ大作戦)
Takuya Igarashi Ryota Yamaguchi Kenichi Tajiri Hisashi Kagawa July 8, 1995 October 13, 2000
142 ”Recipe for Danger”
”The Secret Mansion: A Menu of Love for You”
Transcription: ”Himitsu no yakata! Ai no menyū wo anata ni” (Japanese: 秘密の館!愛のメニューを貴方に)
Yūji Endō Megumi Sugihara Minoru Ōkōchi Katsumi Tamegai July 15, 1995 October 16, 2000
143 ”Kicking into High Gear”
”Believe in Pegasus: The Four Guardians’ Super Transformation”
Transcription: ”Pegasasu wo shinjiru toki! Yon Senshi no supā henshin” (Japanese: 天馬を信じる時!4戦士の超変身)
Noriyo Sasaki Yoji Enokido Kazuyuki Hashimoto Taichi Nakamura July 22, 1995 October 17, 2000
144 ”Beach Blanket Bungle”
”Shining Summer Days: Ami Under the Sea-Breeze”
Transcription: ”Kirameku natsu no hi! Shiokaze no shōjo Ami” (Japanese: きらめく夏の日!潮風の少女亜美)
Hiroki Shibata Ryota Yamaguchi Kazuhisa Asai Masahiro Andō August 12, 1995 October 18, 2000
145 ”Tutu Treachery”
”Become a Prima: Usagi’s Ballet”
Transcription: ”Purima wo nerae! Usagi no barei” (Japanese: プリマをねらえ!うさぎのバレエ)
Harume Kosaka Genki Yoshimura Kenichi Tajiri Mari Tominaga August 19, 1995 October 19, 2000
146 ”The Duchess’s Day Off”
”Juban Holiday: The Carefree Princess”
Transcription: ”Jūbangai no kyūjitsu! Mujaki na ōjosama” (Japanese: 十番街の休日!無邪気な王女様)
Junichi Sato Megumi Sugihara Minoru Ōkōchi Miho Shimogasa August 26, 1995 October 20, 2000
147 ”No Prince Charming”
”Destined Partners? Makoto’s Innocence”
Transcription: ”Unmei no pātonā? Makoto no junjō” (Japanese: 運命のパートナー?まことの純情)
Yūji Endō Ryota Yamaguchi Kazuyuki Hashimoto Hisashi Kagawa September 2, 1995 October 23, 2000
148 ”A True Reflection”
”Shadow of Evil: The Trio’s Last Chance”
Transcription: ”Kyoaku no kage! Oitsumerareta torio” (Japanese: 巨悪の影!追いつめられたトリオ)
Kōnosuke Uda Yoji Enokido Kazuhisa Asai Taichi Nakamura September 23, 1995 October 24, 2000
149 ”Eternal Dreams”
”Mirrors of Dreams: The Amazon’s Last Stage”
Transcription: ”Yume no kagami! Amazon saigo no sutēji” (Japanese: 夢の鏡!アマゾン最後のステージ)
Hiroki Shibata Yoji Enokido Kenichi Tajiri Katsumi Tamegai October 21, 1995 October 25, 2000
150 ”A New Nightmare”
”The Amazoness: Nightmare from Behind the Mirrors”
Transcription: ”Amazonesu! Kagami no ura kara kita akumu” (Japanese: アマゾネス!鏡の裏から来た悪夢)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Yoji Enokido Minoru Ōkōchi Masahiro Andō October 28, 1995 October 26, 2000
151 ”Heartfelt Melody”
”True Power Explodes: Ami’s Melody of the Heart”
Transcription: ”Shin no pawā bakuhatsu! Ami kokoro no shirabe” (Japanese: 真のパワー爆発!亜美心のしらべ)
Takuya Igarashi Ryota Yamaguchi Kazuyuki Hashimoto Mari Tominaga November 4, 1995 October 27, 2000
152 ”Dreams of Her Own”
”Flames of Passion: Mars’s Raging Super Attack”
Transcription: ”Honō no jōnetsu! Māzu ikari no chōhissatsu waza” (Japanese: 炎の情熱!マーズ怒りの超必殺技)
Harume Kosaka Megumi Sugihara Kazuhisa Asai Ikuko Itō November 11, 1995 December 21, 2000
153 ”Dental Dilemma”
”Dentist of Horrors? PallaPalla’s House”
Transcription: ”Kyōfu no haishasan? ParaPara no yakata” (Japanese: 恐怖の歯医者さん?パラパラの館)
Noriyo Sasaki Genki Yoshimura Kazuyuki Hashimoto Masahiro Andō November 18, 1995 October 30, 2000
154 ”Nightmare Garden”
”Clash of Dreams: Minako and Makoto’s Broken Friendship”
Transcription: ”Yume taiketsu! Minako to Makoto zekkō sengen” (Japanese: 夢対決!美奈子とまこと絶交宣言)
Yūji Endō Ryota Yamaguchi Kazuhisa Asai Shigetaka Kiyoyama November 25, 1995 October 31, 2000
155 ”Vaulting to Victory”
”Overcome Your Fear: The Jump to Freedom”
Transcription: ”Kyōfu wo koete! Jiyū he no jampu” (Japanese: 恐怖を越えて!自由へのジャンプ)
Kōnosuke Uda Megumi Sugihara Minoru Ōkōchi Miho Shimogasa December 2, 1995 November 1, 2000
156 ”Reflections of Reality”
”Don’t Lose Sight of Your Dreams: The Mirror of Truth”
Transcription: ”Yume wo miushinawanaide! Shinjitsu wo utsusu kagami” (Japanese: 夢を見失わないで!真実を映す鏡)
Takuya Igarashi Genki Yoshimura Kazuhisa Asai Katsumi Tamegai December 9, 1995 November 2, 2000
157 ”Dream Believer”
”Pegasus Disappears: Wavering Friendship”
Transcription: ”Pegasasu ga kieta!? Yure ugoku yūjō” (Japanese: ペガサスが消えた!?ゆれ動く友情)
Harume Kosaka Ryota Yamaguchi Kazuyuki Hashimoto Yūji Kondō December 16, 1995 November 3, 2000
158 ”Pegasus Revealed”
”Pegasus’s Secret: The Boy Who Protects the Dream World”
Transcription: ”Pegasasu no himitsu! Yume sekai wo mamoru bishōnen” (Japanese: 天馬の秘密!夢世界を守る美少年)
Junichi Sato Genki Yoshimura Minoru Ōkōchi Mamoru Kurosawa December 23, 1995 November 6, 2000
159 ”Rini’s Lovely Rhapsody”
”Chibi-Usa’s Little Rhapsody of Love”
Transcription: ”Chibiusa no chiisana koi no rapusodi” (Japanese: ちびうさの小さな恋のラプソディ)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Megumi Sugihara Kazuhisa Asai Ikuko Itō January 13, 1996 November 7, 2000
160 ”Tomorrow’s Big Dreams”
”Dream to Be an Adult: The Amazoness’ Confusion”
Transcription: ”Otona ni naru yume! Amazonesu no tōwaku” (Japanese: 大人になる夢!アマゾネスの当惑)
Harume Kosaka Megumi Sugihara Kenichi Tajiri Masahiro Andō January 20, 1996 November 8, 2000
161 ”Day of Night”
”Terror in Motion: The Dark Queen’s Evil Hand”
Transcription: ”Ugoki dashita kyōfu! Yami no joō no mashu” (Japanese: 動き出した恐怖!闇の女王の魔手)
Noriyo Sasaki Genki Yoshimura Tadao Kubota Shigetaka Kiyoyama January 27, 1996 November 9, 2000
162 ”Show Time Showdown”
”The Source of Darkness: Dead Moon Circus”
Transcription: ”Yami no shingenchi Deddo Mūn Sākasu” (Japanese: 闇の震源地デッドムーンサーカス)
Yūji Endō Ryota Yamaguchi Minoru Ōkōchi Minako Ito February 3, 1996 November 10, 2000
163 ”The Dark Legend”
”Labyrinth of Mirrors: Chibi Moon Captured”
Transcription: ”Kagami no meikyū! Toraerareta Chibi Mūn” (Japanese: 鏡の迷宮!捕えられたちびムーン)
Harume Kosaka Yoji Enokido Kazuyuki Hashimoto Mari Tominaga February 10, 1996 November 13, 2000
164 ”One in the Hand”
”The Golden Crystal Appears: Nehellenia’s Magic”
Transcription: ”Gōruden Kurisutaru shutsugen! Neherenia no maryoku” (Japanese: 黄金水晶出現!ネヘレニアの魔力)
Takuya Igarashi Yoji Enokido Kenichi Tajiri Masahiro Andō February 17, 1996 November 14, 2000
165 ”Golden Revival”
”When the Crystal Shines: The Beautiful Power of Dreams”
Transcription: ”Kurisutaru kagayaku toki! Utsukushiki yume no chikara” (Japanese: クリスタル輝く時!美しき夢の力)
Yūji Endō Yoji Enokido Kenichi Tajiri Takayuki Ushirai February 24, 1996 November 15, 2000
166 ”The Sweetest Dream”
”Dreams Forever: Fill the Heavens with Light”
Transcription: ”Yume yo itsumademo! Hikari, ten ni michite” (Japanese: 夢よいつまでも!光, 天に満ちて)
Kunihiko Ikuhara Yoji Enokido Kazuhisa Asai Ikuko Itō March 2, 1996 November 16, 2000

No. Original Japanese and Viz titles Director Writer Art director(s) Animation director(s) Original airdate
167 ”The Flower of Nightmares Scatters: The Queen of Darkness Returns”
Transcription: ”Akumu hana wo chirasu toki! Yami no Joō fukkatsu” (Japanese: 悪夢花を散らす時!闇の女王復活)
Takuya Igarashi Ryōta Yamaguchi Kenichi Tajiri Katsumi Tamegai March 9, 1996
168 ”Saturn Awakens: The Ten Sailor Guardians Unite”
Transcription: ”Satān no mezame! Sērā jū Senshi shūketsu” (Japanese: サターンの目覚め!S10戦士集結)
Harume Kosaka Genki Yoshimura Kenichi Tajiri Shigetaka Kiyoyama March 23, 1996
169 ”The Cursed Mirror: Mamoru Caught in a Nightmare”
Transcription: ”Noroi no makyō! Akumu ni torawareta Mamoru” (Japanese: 呪いの魔鏡!悪夢にとらわれた衛)
Noriyo Sasaki Genki Yoshimura Minoru Ōkōchi Minako Itō April 13, 1996
170 ”Night of Destiny: The Sailor Guardians’ Ordeals”
Transcription: ”Unmei no ichiya! Sērā Senshi no kunan” (Japanese: 運命の一夜!セーラー戦士の苦難)
Yuji Endo Ryōta Yamaguchi Kazuyuki Hashimoto Masahiro Andō April 20, 1996
171 ”For Love: The Endless Battle in the Dark World”
Transcription: ”Ai yue ni! Hateshinaki makai no tatakai” (Japanese: 愛ゆえに!果てしなき魔界の戦い)
Hiroki Shibata Ryōta Yamaguchi Kenichi Tajiri Takayuki Gorai April 27, 1996
172 ”Moon Power of Love: The Nightmare Ends”
Transcription: ”Ai no mūn pawā! Akumu no owaru toki” (Japanese: 愛のムーンパワー!悪夢の終わる時)
Junichi Sato Ryōta Yamaguchi Kenichi Tajiri Miho Shimogasa May 4, 1996
173 ”Farewells and Encounters: The Transitioning Stars of Destiny”
Transcription: ”Wakare to deai! Unmei no hoshiboshi no ryūten” (Japanese: 別れと出会い!運命の星々の流転)
Takuya Igarashi Ryōta Yamaguchi Kenichi Tajiri Yoshihiro Kitano May 11, 1996
174 ”A School Storm: The Transfer Students Are Idols”
Transcription: ”Gakuen ni fuku arashi! Tenkōsei wa aidoru” (Japanese: 学園に吹く嵐!転校生はアイドル)
Harume Kosaka Kazuhiko Kanbe Kenichi Tajiri Minako Itō May 18, 1996
175 ”Becoming an Idol: Minako’s Ambition”
Transcription: ”Aidoru wo mezase! Minako no yabō” (Japanese: アイドルをめざせ!美奈子の野望)
Yuji Endo Atsushi Maekawa Kazuyuki Hashimoto Takayuki Gorai May 25, 1996
176 ”Fighter’s Secret Identity: The Shocking Super Transformation”
Transcription: ”Faitā no shōtai! Shōgeki no chōhenshin” (Japanese: ファイターの正体!衝撃の超変身)
Noriyo Sasaki Ryōta Yamaguchi Kazuhisa Asai Miho Shimogasa June 8, 1996
177 ”A Star of Dreams and Wishes: Taiki’s Transformation”
Transcription: ”Hoshi ni takusu yume to roman! Taiki no henshin” (Japanese: 星に託す夢とロマン!大気の変身)
Hiroaki Sakurai Kazuhiko Kanbe Kenichi Tajiri Shigetaka Kiyoyama June 15, 1996
178 ”Luna’s Discovery: The Real Face of Yaten”
Transcription: ”Luna wa mita!? Aidoru Yaten no sugao” (Japanese: ルナは見た!?アイドル夜天の素顔)
Harume Kosaka Ryōta Yamaguchi Kenichi Tajiri Yoshihiro Kitano June 22, 1996
179 ”Friend or Foe? Star Lights and the Sailor Guardians”
Transcription: ”Teki? Mikata? Sutāraitsu to Sērā Senshi” (Japanese: 敵?味方?スターライツとS戦士)
Yuji Endo Genki Yoshimura Kenichi Tajiri Minako Itō June 29, 1996
180 ”Calling of the Shining Stars: Enter Haruka and Michiru”
Transcription: ”Yobiau hoshi no kagayaki! Haruka-tachi sansen” (Japanese: 呼び合う星の輝き!はるか達参戦)
Takuya Igarashi Atsushi Maekawa Kazuyuki Hashimoto Katsumi Tamegai July 13, 1996
181 ”Seiya and Usagi’s Heart-Pounding Date”
Transcription: ”Seiya to Usagi no dokidoki dēto” (Japanese: セイヤとうさぎのドキドキデート)
Junichi Sato Kazuhiko Kanbe Kenichi Tajiri Miho Shimogasa July 20, 1996
182 ”Invaders from Outer Space: The Coming of Siren”
Transcription: ”Uchū kara no shinryaku! Seirēn hirai” (Japanese: 宇宙からの侵略!セイレーン飛来)
Noriyo Sasaki Ryōta Yamaguchi Kazuhisa Asai Shigetaka Kiyoyama August 3, 1996
183 ”The Screaming Dead: Terror of the Camp Monster”
Transcription: ”Shiryō no sakebi? Kyōfu kyampu no kaijin” (Japanese: 死霊の叫び!?恐怖キャンプの怪人)
Hiroki Shibata Kazuhiko Kanbe Kenichi Tajiri Yoshihiro Kitano August 10, 1996
184 ”A Night Alone Together: Usagi in Danger”
Transcription: ”Futarikiri no yoru! Usagi no pinchi” (Japanese: ふたりきりの夜!うさぎのピンチ)
Hiroaki Sakurai Ryōta Yamaguchi Hidekazu Nakanishi Minako Itō August 17, 1996
185 ”Taiki’s Song Filled with Passion and Faith”
Transcription: ”Taiki zesshō! Shinjiru kokoro wo uta ni komete” (Japanese: 大気絶唱!信じる心を歌にこめて)
Yuji Endo Atsushi Maekawa Kenichi Tajiri Katsumi Tamegai August 31, 1996
186 ”Chibi-Chibi’s Mystery: The Big Noisy Chase”
Transcription: ”Chibichibi no nazo! Osawagase daitsuiseki” (Japanese: ちびちびの謎!おさわがせ大追跡)
Masahiro Hosoda Genki Yoshimura Kazuyuki Hashimoto Michiaki Sugimoto September 7, 1996
187 ”The Shining Power of a Star: Chibi-Chibi’s Transformation”
Transcription: ”Kagayaku hoshi no pawā! Chibichibi no henshin” (Japanese: 輝く星のパワー!ちびちびの変身)
Takuya Igarashi Ryōta Yamaguchi Kenichi Tajiri Miho Shimogasa September 14, 1996
188 ”Invitation to Terror: Usagi’s Night Flight”
Transcription: ”Kyōfu e no shōtai! Usagi no yakan hikō” (Japanese: 恐怖への招待!うさぎの夜間飛行)
Noriyo Sasaki Kazuhiko Kanbe Hidekazu Nakanishi Shigetaka Kiyoyama October 12, 1996
189 ”Duty or Friendship: Conflict Between the Sailor Guardians”
Transcription: ”Shimei to yūjō no hazama! Sērā Senshi-tachi no tairitsu” (Japanese: 使命と友情の間!S戦士達の対立)
Hiroaki Sakurai Genki Yoshimura Kazuhisa Asai Minako Itō October 19, 1996
190 ”Truth Revealed: The Star Lights’ Past”
Transcription: ”Akasareta shinjitsu! Seiya-tachi no kako” (Japanese: 明かされた真実!セイヤ達の過去)
Hiroki Shibata Atsushi Maekawa Kenichi Tajiri Katsumi Tamegai October 26, 1996
191 ”Butterflies of Light: A New Chapter on the Horizon”
Transcription: ”Hikari no chō ga mau toki! Atarashī nami no yokan” (Japanese: 光の蝶が舞う時!新しい波の予感)
Masahiro Hosoda Ryōta Yamaguchi Kazuyuki Hashimoto Michiaki Sugimoto November 9, 1996
192 ”Go for Your Dream: Minako Becomes an Idol”
Transcription: ”Yume icchokusen! Aidoru Minako no tanjō!?” (Japanese: 夢一直線!アイドル美奈子の誕生)
Yuji Endo Kazuhiko Kanbe Hidekazu Nakanishi Shigetaka Kiyoyama November 16, 1996
193 ”The Stolen Silver Crystal: Princess Kakyu Appears”
Transcription: ”Ubawareta ginzuishō! Kakyū Purinsesu shutsugen” (Japanese: うばわれた銀水晶!火球皇女出現)
Takuya Igarashi Ryōta Yamaguchi Kazuhisa Asai Miho Shimogasa November 30, 1996
194 ”Crusade for the Galaxy: Legend of the Sailor Wars”
Transcription: ”Ginga no seisen, Sērā Wōzu densetsu” (Japanese: 銀河の聖戦 セーラーウォーズ伝説)
Hiroaki Sakurai Ryōta Yamaguchi Kazuhisa Asai Yoshihiro Kitano December 7, 1996
195 ”Princess Kakyu Perishes: Advent of Galaxia”
Transcription: ”Kakyū Purinsesu shōmetsu! Gyarakushia kōrin” (Japanese: 火球皇女消滅!ギャラクシア降臨)
Masahiro Hosoda Kazuhiko Kanbe Hidekazu Nakanishi Michiaki Sugimoto December 14, 1996
196 ”Countdown to Destruction: The Sailor Guardians’ Last Battle”
Transcription: ”Ginga horobiru toki! Sērā Senshi saigo no tatakai” (Japanese: 銀河滅びる時!S戦士最後の戦い)
Harume Kosaka Genki Yoshimura Kazuhisa Asai Minako Itō January 11, 1997
197 ”Ruler of the Galaxy: The Menace of Galaxia”
Transcription: ”Ginga no shihaisha! Gyarakushia no kyōi” (Japanese: 銀河の支配者! ギャラクシアの脅威)
Hiroki Shibata Ryōta Yamaguchi Kazuyuki Hashimoto Shigetaka Kiyoyama January 18, 1997
198 ”Dying Stars: Uranus and Neptune’s Last Stand”
Transcription: ”Kieyuku hoshiboshi! Uranusu-tachi no saigo” (Japanese: 消えゆく星々!ウラヌス達の最期)
Junichi Sato Atsushi Maekawa Yoshiyuki Shikano Yoshihiro Kitano January 25, 1997
199 ”The Light of Hope: The Final Battle for the Galaxy”
Transcription: ”Kibō no Hikari! Ginga wo kaketa saishū kessen” (Japanese: 希望の光!銀河をかけた最終決戦)
Masahiro Hosoda Ryōta Yamaguchi Kazuhisa Asai Michiaki Sugimoto February 1, 1997
200 ”Usagi’s Love: The Moonlight Illuminates the Galaxy”
Transcription: ”Usagi no ai! Gekkō ginga wo terasu” (Japanese: うさぎの愛!月光銀河を照らす)
Takuya Igarashi Ryōta Yamaguchi Kazuyuki Hashimoto Katsumi Tamegai February 8, 1997

Jag älskar Sailor Moon serien den är bästa den är magisk vänskap och kärlek

Jag ger Sailor Moon serien 124. poäng.